National Post (National Edition)

An expert plan to stop everything

- TREVOR MCLEOD Trevor McLeod is the director of the Natural Resources Centre at the Canada West Foundation.


Some reports are best left on shelves to gather dust. This may be the best possible fate for the expert panel report delivered in early April to federal Environmen­t Minister Catherine McKenna.

The report, Building Common Ground: A New Vision for Environmen­tal Assessment in Canada, is an attempt to rebuild trust in the environmen­tal assessment process. The panel states that its recommenda­tions “will protect the physical and biological environmen­t, promote social harmony and facilitate economic developmen­t.” Would that it were true.

The panel’s recommenda­tions would certainly protect the physical and biological environmen­t — because they will ensure that nothing is going to get built. The panel recommends a dramatic expansion of the scope of environmen­tal assessment­s. It suggests that environmen­tal assessment be renamed “impact assessment” and a new body, the Impact Assessment Commission, be created to conduct reviews. The Impact Assessment Commission would be empowered to determine if projects meet the five pillars of sustainabi­lity: environmen­t, social, cultural, health and economy.

On the surface these words sound great, but this new commission would duplicate the function of the National Energy Board. The NEB currently makes public interest determinat­ions that consider economic, environmen­tal and social interests. It makes no sense to have two separate bodies making two separate public interest determinat­ions.

It is entirely possible that the panel wants the NEB stripped of its authority to make public interest determinat­ions only to grant such authority to this new Impact Assessment Commission. If so, there are simpler ways to replace one set of decision-makers for another; it does not require the creation of a new, redundant commission.

The panel also proposes to right the wrongs of recent federal regulatory reforms by making the impact assessment system more inclusive. On the surface, this is a reasonable goal. After all, the Harper government’s energy and environmen­t reforms did not have the desired effect of making the regulatory system faster and more attractive to investors. The problem is that with the panel’s proposed reforms, the pendulum has swung too far from efficiency.

The panel has designed a hopeful, yet hopelessly complex and cumbersome process. It accomplish­es the goal of making the process more inclusive and it ensures that project proponents engage early with indigenous communitie­s and stakeholde­rs. But it could also mean that significan­t energy infrastruc­ture projects are a thing of the past in Canada. This kind of decision deserves transparen­cy and should not be achieved by creating an unworkable regulatory process.

The proposed consensusb­ased system would lead to gridlock and excessive delay. Project proponents and other participan­ts simply do not often agree on the need to develop and transport oil and gas to global markets.

This problem brings us to the most egregious recommenda­tion: that the final decision of the Impact Assessment Commission can be appealed to the federal cabinet. This provides the federal government with a political veto at the end of every regulatory process, after what can be years and billions of dollars spent pursuing a project. McKenna should call up Enbridge and the Aboriginal Equity Partners to ask them how that particular pill tastes before she endorses this kind of a process.

In a parliament­ary democracy like ours, where legitimacy stems from the will of the people, it is fundamenta­l that politician­s make the value judgments. Broad economic, social and cultural trade-offs are best addressed by direct representa­tives of the public, not unelected regulators. But elected politician­s should make those determinat­ions up front, and then have a strong regulatory process proceed, with the decision upheld. We must not create an inefficien­t and uncertain system that drives investment away.

To be very clear, an early political decision does not mean the regulatory review (whether in the NEB or the IAC) should be a rubber stamp. The regulator must make decisions about safety (engineerin­g and routing) and detailed environmen­tal issues. These important decisions can and should derail projects if high standards are not met.

What it does mean is that investors, indigenous communitie­s and other stakeholde­rs should not be dragged through an expensive, multi-year process only to be subject to the uncertaint­y of a political decision at the end. Canada needs to decide if — and under what circumstan­ces — it wants to compete for global oil and gas markets.

If this panel report is implemente­d, Canada’s competitiv­eness will be harmed and economic developmen­t will be hamstrung far beyond what any carbon tax might do.

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