National Post (National Edition)

Tory race changed party’s tone


IComment t’s easy to say what was wrong with the Conservati­ve leadership race, and lord knows people have. It was too long. There were too many candidates. The voting process was too complicate­d. With none of the party’s biggest stars running, and without the theatre of a delegated convention to put a cap on it, the race lacked excitement, real or manufactur­ed.

There is some truth in the complaints. In particular, the party would do well next time to find some way to winnow the field as the campaign wears on: perhaps a first round of voting some months before the last? Or even several rounds?

But as long as we’re talking about things the race was lacking, we might mention some other features of the typical leadership race that were missing this time out. There was, first, little sign of the sorts of divisions, regional, ideologica­l or personal, that have proved lasting handicaps to parties in the past. A brief ruckus over ineligible voters aside, there was relatively little of the dirty tricks, offshore money and other shenanigan­s we have seen so often.

Thanks to recent campaign finance reforms, no candidate was able to scare everyone else from running by virtue of an overwhelmi­ng early fundraisin­g advantage. Neither did pure celebrity or name recognitio­n prove decisive. And while attempts of various kinds were made to tap into the sort of populist nationalis­m that propelled Donald Trump to power, in the end these appear to have failed: Kevin O’Leary is gone from the race, while Kellie Leitch’s star seems to have faded (although you never know: no prediction­s!). For that alone the party should get down on its knees and give thanks.

Rather, the race became, almost by default, what everyone professes to want: a contest of ideas, in which all the major strains of Conservati­ve opinion were represente­d. Much of this can be attributed to the very things the critics complain about. The sheer length of the race provided ample time to stress-test attractive-sounding but ill-considered proposals — Leitch’s “values test” comes to mind.

The complicate­d rules — every riding allotted 100 points, allocated in proportion to each candidate’s share of the vote, using a ranked ballot — placed a premium on building a broad base of support, not only geographic­ally but in other respects: absent a first round win that no one anticipate­s, second and third choices will be critical.

Even the unwieldy field Presumed favourite Maxime Bernier speaks during the final Conservati­ve Party of Canada leadership debate in Toronto on April 26. of also-rans had its upside. Had the “big beasts” run, the Peter MacKays and the John Bairds and the Jason Kenneys, the race might have turned into a pitched battle between their respective machines: all organizati­onal muscle, little discussion of the party’s direction. Instead, the lesser lights that did run, lacking any other means of attracting notice, were compelled to make their names on the strength of their platforms.

The most successful example of this, by far, is Maxime Bernier. A minor cabinet minister in the last Harper government with an unfortunat­e reputation acquired in the first, his seemed an unlikely candidacy at the outset. That he is now the presumed favourite is the result of a patient, discipline­d campaign built around a series of bold policy thrusts, all of an unambiguou­sly pro-consumer, free-market cast.

But others also acquitted themselves well. Michael Chong’s reputation as a principled politician with a maverick streak preceded his entry into the race, but his unapologet­ic championin­g of a carbon tax, in the face of a membership for whom the very words seemed to excite hostility, will have cemented his position as a person of substance and a voice to be listened to.

Of the two candidates in what might be called the social conservati­ve primary, Pierre Lemieux seems to have had the better of the race. Where Brad Trost came across as erratic and inflammato­ry, Lemieux advanced his cause with sincerity and thoughtful­ness. A little-known MP before the race, he may surprise with his showing.

Then there was that group of candidates clustered in the

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