National Post (National Edition)

Ruling may open door to copyright trolls

ISPs can’t charge fees for tracking alleged pirates

- EMILY JACKSON Financial Post

Internet service providers are bracing for a flood of requests to turn over the identities of subscriber­s that allegedly download pirated movies after a court decision some Internet policy experts warn will increase “copyright trolling” in Canada at the expense of consumers.

Copyright holders such as film studios commonly use court orders to get alleged offenders’ identities from Internet providers, which typically charge a fee for tracking down the suspect associated with the IP address at the time of illegal downloadin­g. This can be tricky, as IP addresses change constantly.

But in a decision that surprised many in the industry, the Federal Court of Appeal ruled earlier this month that Internet providers cannot charge such fees unless they convince the federal government to introduce regulation­s that explicitly allow them to do so.

It’s a win for Voltage Pictures LLC, a movie production company known for Dallas Buyers Club and The Hurt Locker. Voltage filed the appeal against Rogers Communicat­ions Inc. as part of a reverse class-action lawsuit where it sought the identity of tens of thousands of suspected infringers.

It argued the fees — about $100 per request — amounted to a “multimilli­on-dollar barrier” that prevented Voltage from obtaining the required details to launch legal proceeding­s “to protect and vindicate their rights in the movies they make.” Judge David Stratas agreed, noting that “illegal conduct can continue, unchecked and unpunished” unless the cloak of anonymity is lifted.

But the industry worries the lack of a nominal fee for subscriber informatio­n will encourage copyright trolls — companies that send notices to consumers threatenin­g litigation for alleged infringeme­nt in hopes they’ll be scared enough to pay up without a fight. If Internet providers can’t recoup the costs of identifyin­g alleged offenders, they will be pushed onto all subscriber­s.

“It’s a horrific decision from a policy perspectiv­e and it’s bad news for consumers, it’s bad news for Internet service providers, it’s bad news for Canada,” said David Fewer, director of the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic. “Your costs of engaging in trolling activity have just plummeted to the floor. This is the Federal Court of Appeal throwing the floodgates wide open.”

The ruling misconstru­ed the purpose and the function of Canada’s “notice and notice” regime, he said. The system, introduced in 2015, enables copyright owners to alert Internet providers of alleged infringeme­nt and requires providers to send notices to subscriber­s. While most copyright owners use these as an educationa­l tool, some use them to demand sums around $3,500. Others, such as Voltage, take the next step to identify offenders in order to launch lawsuits.

The rules were a compromise between copyright owners, who want to be paid for their work, and Internet providers, which want to protect customers’ privacy, Fewer said. But trolling remains a “huge problem” in Canada, with some customers intimidate­d into paying thousands for an offence that he said should be more equivalent to a parking ticket. He expects the ruling could make it worse — and he’s not alone.

One telecom executive was “shocked” by the ruling, adding it will be expensive for all providers. The industry also expects increased lobbying activity, as the judge left room for providers to convince the government to add fees.

For its part, Rogers said in a statement it is reviewing the decision. It has until August to seek leave to appeal from the Supreme Court of Canada. Meantime, it expects its workload will go up. (Rogers received nearly 75,000 court orders to provide customer informatio­n in 2015, according to its transparen­cy report, but most were from law enforcemen­t. It doesn’t disclose how many were related to alleged copyright infringeme­nt.)

“We expect the industry as a whole will see an increase in the number of subscriber look-up requests made by rightshold­ers,” it said.

For Voltage, however, the decision removes the “insurmount­able economic barrier” of paying the fee for the 55,000 people it identifies as infringers, said Ken Clark, one of the lawyers representi­ng the movie producer.

It pursued the lawsuit since the existing system doesn’t effectivel­y deter piracy, Clark said, adding he’s sent out 15,000 notice and notices but received less than two dozen responses. A class-action spreads out legal costs between pirated-movie watchers so the punishment is more proportion­al to the offence, he said.

It “shouldn’t be that difficult” for Internet providers to identify who downloads illegal content, Clark said.

“If that cost gets pushed to the consumer, I think that’s a fair trade,” he said.

 ?? REMSTAR ?? A scene from Voltage Pictures’ Dallas Buyers Club. Voltage has won a lawsuit where it sought the identity of tens of thousands of suspected copyright infringers, or pirates.
REMSTAR A scene from Voltage Pictures’ Dallas Buyers Club. Voltage has won a lawsuit where it sought the identity of tens of thousands of suspected copyright infringers, or pirates.

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