National Post (National Edition)

Government media a bad idea


Maybe you saw those stories on Thursday about the Commons Canadian Heritage committee proposing a tax on Internet providers, the proceeds going to help the Canadian media. Maybe you also saw Justin Trudeau forcefully reject the idea. Maybe you thought this meant the government would keep its hands off the media. Think again.

Yes, the government may have rejected that particular proposal. It may indeed be averse, as the prime minister said, to “raising taxes on the middle class.” But it is very much interested in bailing out the media, by which I mean particular­ly the company I work for, Postmedia — almost as interested as Postmedia is in being bailed out.

It was the Trudeau government that commission­ed that report by the Public Policy Forum, The Shattered Mirror, calling for government funding of the news media. It was the government, likewise, that initiated discussion­s with the industry on the subject.

It is not surprising, then, to find a high degree of similarity in the recommenda­tions of the PPF, the Heritage committee (or rather, its Liberal majority — the Conservati­ves, to their credit, dissented) and, the very next day, News Media Canada, the publishers’ lobby group: the same calls for government support (whether overt or hidden in the tax code), the same assurances that everything would be at arm’s-length, the same hyping of fears that otherwise the news industry would disappear, the same doubleside­d insistence that this is a temporary, emergency measure, and yet nothing new, since the industry “has always been” subsidized.

So we must assume it is going to happen. The industry wants to be helped, and the government wants to be seen helping it, and all of the elaborate exchange of courtesies that is now going on is simply to provide cover for a decision that has already been taken.

But we should be clear where this is leading: not to the temporary, transition­al aid claimed, but to the permanent clientizat­ion of the news media; not to a funding model that is nondiscrim­inatory and “platform-agnostic,” but — inevitably — one based on criteria that favour large media over small, legacy media over startups, and “mainstream” media over, how shall I put this, rebels.

The result, over time: a media that, by an equally inexorable process of self-selection, will be much less interested in free markets, limited government, and other unCanadian ideas, and much more congenial to arguments for state interventi­on, not only for ourselves but (for no one likes to be thought selfish, or hypocritic­al) for others; not necessaril­y favourable to the government of the day, but certainly welldispos­ed to government. Like the CBC, in other words, only now it would be the entire Canadian media.

We should be equally clear how baseless the arguments for this remain. To recapitula­te:

Things are tough all over. The Internet, we are told, has disrupted the media’s business model. Look around you: the Internet has disrupted everyone’s business model. Whole industries have vanished while you were reading this article. Only not everyone is as well-placed to advertise its woes.

This is not a case of market failure, but industry failure. Nothing whatever prevents readers from buying what we are selling. There is only our own proven incompeten­ce at providing them with a product worth paying for. As an industry we have made every mistake it is possible to make, sometimes twice. Now we’re going to make you pay for them.

You can force people to pay for news. You can’t force them to read it. The clinching argument for subsidy-seekers is “because democracy” — without a well-informed public, democracy dies. But there never was such a thing as a well-informed public. Some people want to be wellinform­ed; most do not. That has always been the case. It always will.

The ones who do not want to be well-informed will be just as uninterest­ed in quality journalism, regardless of whether the government is paying us to provide them with it. The ones who do will be willing to pay for it — as long as we make it worth their money.

The news isn’t going anywhere. What’s going on, in other words, isn’t the collapse of the industry, still less its disappeara­nce, but its transforma­tion: from print to digital, yes, but more fundamenta­lly from advertisin­g to reader finance.

News, especially in North America, has traditiona­lly been funded, not by newsstand sales or subscripti­ons, but by advertiser­s — the ones who have deserted us for Google and Facebook. Now, for the first time, we’re having to ask readers to pay something closer to the full shot.

That isn’t going to be easy, and not everyone is going to survive the transition — in fact, most of the legacy media companies will probably fail. But the one thing guaranteed to impede them from taking the necessary risks and hard decisions is the availabili­ty of government lolly.

Conversely, the one thing that is guaranteed to focus our attention on the reader — as businesses, and as writers — is if the reader is paying the shot. We don’t have to guess at this. It is the business model, increasing­ly, for topend papers like the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. It is also the business model for all that is best on television: the pay channels that are responsibl­e for TV’s current “golden age.”

This is a watershed moment for the industry. Once we take the cash, we will — inevitably — get hooked on it. What is more, we will make it virtually impossible for government to stop supplying it. A newspaper goes bust today, that’s sad and a loss. But a newspaper goes bust because the government, effectivel­y, killed it? Unthinkabl­e.

There is still time, perhaps, for everyone to come to their senses. But I have the sinking feeling the fix is in.


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