National Post (National Edition)

Solving the MS riddle



IResearche­rs continue to examine why Canadians are more susceptibl­e to MS than citizens of any other country. In the meantime, they are making inroads on treatment t could be our climate, and distance from the equator. It could be genetics, lifestyle or exposure to a viral infection. These possible risk factors, and many more, are on the table as researcher­s work to unravel why Canada has the highest rate of multiple sclerosis in the world.

Given the impact of MS on Canadians, there is a concerted effort underway to investigat­e the cause of the disease and explore new treatments. Canada is at the forefront of this research, as the country grapples to minimize the effects of this unpredicta­ble neurologic­al disorder.

“We have made a really strong impact on the global front working with our colleagues around the world to better understand MS,” says Sylvia Leonard, interim president and CEO of the MS Society of Canada. She adds that there is a very active research base in Canada engaged in everything from the basic science to clinical trials. “What causes MS? Why are some people going to be at higher risk for getting the disease than others? We have Canadian researcher­s who are committed to exploring many promising avenues.”

As acting director of research for the MS Society of Canada, Angelica Asis has seen studies make different and, at times, opposing claims about risk factors for MS. In Canada specifical­ly, she says, the tempting answer is to link MS to a lack of Vitamin D, because what makes Canada somewhat unique is the country’s location. Still, Asis stresses there is not enough evidence to make a conclusive link. At this point, researcher­s believe it is possible that a complex cocktail of genetic and environmen­tal factors come together to trigger the onset of the disease.

“What causes MS is still definitely a mystery. And as more research comes up, it becomes more of a mystery,” Asis notes. “There are not enough large-scale studies to tell us this one risk factor is the factor for MS, leading to the belief that people are coming to accept now that it is a combinatio­n [of risk factors].”

While there is no clear answer yet, researcher­s are making new and promising discoverie­s to help Canadians living with MS achieve a better quality of life. In recent years there has been a rapid progress in medical therapies, that are providing better options for treatments.

The MS Society estimates that one in 340 Canadians currently living with MS — the highest prevalence rate of MS in the world — and new research suggests that this rate will rise in the future. Some people will experience milder forms of the disease, while others will face more severe symptoms and lose their ability to walk, or need assistance with everyday living. MS is a disease that strikes young people in the prime of their lives; it is commonly diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 40.

“It is a really important age range when you talk about the impact on peoples’ lives,” notes Leonard. “They may be getting ready for post-secondary education or preparing to enter the workforce. It is also a time when people are thinking about having families.”

Along with the physical and emotional burdens are the financial costs. A study on the economic impact of MS in Canada was published in February 2017 in the Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada Journal. The authors project that the cost of MS to Canada’s health sector will reach $2 billion a year by 2031.

Efforts are underway to provide more support and outreach for Canadians living with multiple sclerosis. The MS Society offers a number of services at the local and national levels. They include educationa­l resources, wellness programs, advocacy and a national telephone/internet peer support program.

One of the toughest aspects of living with MS can be the emotional impact — a sense of loneliness and isolation from friends and family. To address that, the MS Society is planning to expand a service now underway in Alberta. The Friendly Visiting Program recruits volunteers to spend time with individual­s who live with more progressiv­e forms of MS and who need to live in an institutio­nal setting. The MS Society hopes to have the program set up in at least one community in every province in 2018.

While there are still many secrets to uncover about MS, researcher­s hope more comprehens­ive national studies will shed light on key risk factors for the disease.

The stakes are especially high for Canadians, who are for reasons still unknown targeted by this difficult and often disabling condition.

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