National Post (National Edition)


- ROSS MCKITRICK Ross McKitrick is a professor of economics at the University of Guelph and a senior fellow at the Fraser Institute.

The Internatio­nal Institute for Sustainabl­e Developmen­t (IISD) has put out a report claiming that “Pollution costs Canadian families, businesses and government­s a startling amount every year” — at least $39 billion. This is almost certainly an exaggerati­on, but even if true it is actually good news when seen in historical context.

According to author Robert Smith, $39 billion equals about $4,300 per household. That is four per cent of average income per economic family. But almost all of that cost is attributed to air pollution, which has fallen a lot in 40 years. As Elmira Aliakbari and I documented in a recent report for the Fraser Institute, exposure to urban air contaminan­ts fell between 30 and 90 per cent since the 1970s, depending on the type of pollutant. In the late 1970s, 70 per cent of Canadian cities had ozone levels that exceeded safe standards at least once per year, but now only 16 per cent do. In the 1970s, over half of our cities had nitrogen oxide (NOx) levels above the standards, but since 2011 none do. Et cetera.

Overall, people were exposed to about 60 per cent more pollution in 1975 than in 2015, back when average annual family income (adjusted for inflation) was only $78,900. So using the IISD method the “cost” of pollution for Canadian families as a fraction of income has fallen by more than half in 40 years. This is good news, but you would never guess it from the dreary sky-is-falling tone of the IISD report.

Beyond the lack of context, there is ample reason to doubt the validity of many of the report’s claims.

Smith claims without evidence that since 2007, visibility loss due to motorvehic­le use doubled in Canada. But he fails to mention that from 2007 to 2015, visibility-related emissions did not double. Instead, vehicle emissions fell between 23 and 44 per cent.

He cherry-picks data on ozone thinning over Antarctica to speculate about losses for Canada, yet the 2014 report on the ozone layer from the World Meteorolog­ical Organizati­on shows no statistica­lly significan­t reduction in ozone density over the past 50 years over the northern mid-latitudes (where Canada sits).

The data connecting pollution to death rates are noisy, uncertain and inconsiste­nt, yet Smith ignores this and uncritical­ly accepts an OECD claim that 7,700 Canadians die each year due to air pollution. He then multiplies that number by an estimated Value-ofStatisti­cal Life (VSL) of $4.8 million to get $37 billion. But the underlying mortality studies, even if they are correct, do not generally refer to healthy people being cut down in the prime of life, but to people who are already dying of lung disease (usually from smoking) who die a few days earlier than they otherwise would. The standard VSL doesn’t apply in these cases, making the $37-billion figure a gross exaggerati­on.

Smith argues that climate change means more heatwaves and, despite a lack of precise data, estimates they will impose $1.6 billion in damages. He then acknowledg­es that extreme cold is even more harmful than heat in Canada, and the same climate trends mean these costs are going down, but because of the same lack of data he sets those benefits to zero.

Beyond the usual problems of cherry-picking and misreprese­ntation, the bigger flaw in the report is its lack of economic logic. Suppose the conclusion is correct: Pollution costs us $39 billion per year. So what? Residentia­l constructi­on costs us $150 billion per year. Should we ban housebuild­ing? Obviously not. We incur the cost because we benefit from the activity.

Likewise, people benefit from the activities that generate pollution, such as driving, running factories and heating our homes. The question is whether we would derive enough benefits at the margin from cutting polluting activities to justify the costs of new policies. The answer, quite often, is no. In fact, there’s a case to be made that we are well into the realm of overkill on a lot of pollution regulation­s.

The report’s failure to discuss the economic context makes it meaningles­s. For instance, we are warned that road salt causes as much as $11 billion in environmen­tal damages annually. Does this mean we would be $11 billion better off if we stopped using road salt? Certainly not, we would face severe road hazards making transporta­tion all but impossible in the winter. Likewise, the report never addresses the obvious question: If we banned all polluting activities would we be $39 billion richer?

No, we would be incomparab­ly worse off, but on this point the report is silent, making its policy implicatio­ns precisely zero. Its numbers are cherry-picked and ball-parked to the alarmist side. And it tells us nothing about whether Canada has too much, too little or just the right amount of pollution control, so we can conclude nothing from it. Add it to the large pile of environmen­tal scare stories that confuse and mislead, rather than providing reliable guidance for public debates about pollution policy.


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