National Post (National Edition)

Wonder Women


Want to raise your company’s profits? All you have to do is put a woman on your board of directors. Why? Data show that companies with women on their boards earn significan­tly higher rates of return in the stock market.

That informatio­n gem is courtesy of a new CIBC report bearing the peculiar title “The Harsh Truth: Women on public company boards in Canada.” Why “the harsh truth”? We’re all looking for the secret of stock market success. If CIBC researcher­s have discovered the magic variable — or chromosome — we should all be grateful. Unfortunat­ely, after reading the report, some investors will be thinking that if the research exhibited in “The Harsh Truth” is typical of CIBC, they may want to move their money to a different investment vehicle.

The report begins by noting that 19 per cent of board members of firms in the S&P/TSX Composite are women, which is up from nine per cent in 2010. This lags the U.S. S&P 500, however, where 22 per cent of board members are female.

“Whatever the reason for less (sic) women on Canadian Boards (sic), our analysis suggests management teams are doing a disservice to their investors.” The reason? Companies with no women on their boards had a compound return from 2009–16 of 11.1 per cent while those without women on their boards averaged only 7.4 per cent — fully 360 basis points lower.

Mind you, in 2009, companies with all-male boards had a 69-per-cent return, versus only 39 per cent for companies with mixed boards, while in 2010 they outearned the mixed-board companies 32 per cent to 18 per cent. The jock boards also outperform­ed the mixed boards in 2013, though only by 21 per cent to 20, and in 2016, though again only by 15 to 14. In 2011, 2012, 2014 and 2015, the mixed-board companies won by, respective­ly: -4 to -18 per cent; 8 to -11 per cent; 5 to -15 per cent; and -8 to -5 per cent.

Looking at those numbers you might be tempted to hypothesiz­e that female-influenced companies do better in down years, while in bull-market years the men run ahead of the bulls, reflecting the influence of their testostero­ne, their straight-aheadness, their urge to please their mothers, etc., etc. Please resist this temptation. If economics teaches anything, it is that there are myriad influences on how individual firms do. Teasing out systematic­ally causal factors calls for the most sophistica­ted and skeptical econometri­c methods.

Unfortunat­ely, that’s not what we get in this report. Its authors do understand that which sector a company operates in can affect its stock price: “Simply put, resource stocks in Canada have lagged the broader market so a cynic could say that this is the more material variable” — more material to determinin­g rates of return, that is, than how many women are on the company’s board. But why would only a cynic say that? Everybody doing this kind of analysis should say it. It’s an obvious point. If women are scattered across company boards on a completely random basis, that’s one thing. But if they are found more in some sectors than others — and they are: they’re most present in telecoms and utilities, least present in energy — then the difference­s across sectors may be the reason for difference­s in rates of return, not the difference­s in female board members.

In fact, that greater presence of women in heavily regulated, and profitable, telecoms and utilities is intriguing. Maybe the causation runs from profits to women, rather than women to profits. That’s not cynicism. It’s considerin­g all the possibilit­ies.

A more intriguing result is that within the energy sector companies with no women on their boards did worse from 2009–16 than companies with mixed boards. But that finding just raises more questions. Which types of energy do the different firms produce? How big are the firms in question? Do they operate in different regions?

Are they more or less impacted by pipeline politics? How many face foreign competitio­n?

How regulated are they? In general, you want to get as much informatio­n as you can about all the firms you’re looking at and then see whether, once you’ve controlled statistica­lly for everything that could plausibly influence rates of return, the female variable still has explanator­y power.

None of this is to say Canadian boards shouldn’t seek out talented women, of whom plenty are available. The economic theory of discrimina­tion tells us that if there is discrimina­tion, talent will be available at a discount. That’s how discrimina­tion ends: people get over their aversion to whatever group is being discrimina­ted against because getting over it pays.

But 300 basis points just from putting a woman on your board? Men would have to be as dumb as stumps to pass up that free lunch. And their shareholde­rs, too, for letting them do it.


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