National Post (National Edition)

Wrongly accused of sex assault

- CHRISTIE BLATCHFORD National Post cblatchfor­

The Ontario Criminal Injuries Compensati­on Board last year awarded $6,000 for pain and suffering to a discredite­d sexual assault complainan­t whose evidence about her purported injuries was later found to be “completely contradict­ed” by her family doctor.

The award was made last spring, six months before an Ontario Superior Court deputy judge found that the woman “provided false informatio­n to the police and lied to the police about the sexual assault knowing that a criminal prosecutio­n was likely to follow.”

Though the compensati­on hearing officer couldn’t have known what a small claims court deputy judge would subsequent­ly rule, she nonetheles­s had reason to be careful about the woman’s allegation.

For one thing, Crown prosecutor­s already had withdrawn a criminal charge of sexual assault against the man in 2013, this following an unusually brief preliminar­y hearing during which the woman, then 40, was the only witness and gave a florid account of how he had bitten her all over and “just savaged me.”

The charge was formally withdrawn after a judicial pre-trial, which is a meeting among lawyers and the presiding judge.

And by then, the physician had testified in the small claims court action the man had started — and eventually won — against the complainan­t.

At that proceeding, the doctor said she saw the woman, who had been her patient for five years, for a pre-booked physical on the very day after she later claimed to have been assaulted, and that “I didn’t see any bruises or injuries and my examinatio­n would have entailed examinatio­n of the breasts and full body.”

The doctor said the woman made no mention of an alleged attack until the physical was over and she had dressed, and that all she’d said then was that there’d been “a confrontat­ion that led to violence and un-consented sex” with a man she’d been dating.

“I did not get the sense that it was ‘a rape yesterday’ (situation), and the patient didn’t present as such,” the doctor testified.

Both the complainan­t and the accused were selfrepres­ented in the small claims court proceeding, and it was during the complainan­t’s cross-examinatio­n of the doctor that she blamed the physician’s secretary for allegedly not telling the physician she’d complained about being sexually assaulted.

The accused man sought to call the physician as a witness before the compensati­on board, or at least to be able to present her testimony at the small claims court hearing, but was denied.

Though Postmedia is not using the names of either accuser or accused or any informatio­n that would tend to identify them, the organizati­on has obtained copies of the transcript of the entire preliminar­y hearing, the prosecutor’s note to the man’s lawyer announcing the charge was being dropped, the compensati­on board decision, the transcript of testimony given by the physician at the small claims court hearing, as well as the 50-plus-page decision of the Superior Court judge.

The judge awarded the man about $24,000, plus interest.

The amount includes about $18,000 in legal costs for the man to defend the charge of sexual assault, $2,500 for loss of reputation and $2,500 for aggravated damages.

He spent five days in jail before getting bail on the criminal charge.

The two had dated for about eight months, seeing one another mostly on weekends in one or another of their small Ontario cities, when the purported assault occurred.

They had broken up after, the man claimed, the woman kept trying to have unprotecte­d sex (she already had children and he didn’t want any at his age), and, she claimed, the “abusive” relationsh­ip culminated in the sexual assault.

The judge’s decision also reveals the local police investigat­ion of the complainan­t’s allegation was sloppy, if not outright inept.

When she first complained, about three months after the alleged assault, the officer, who is now retired and living in the United States, didn’t have her provide either a video or audio recorded statement — a video interview is considered the gold standard in criminal investigat­ions — but rather asked her to write out her statement at home.

And as the judge noted, the officer “appears to have accepted (the complainan­t’s) informatio­n that her family physician noted physical injuries … without verifying that informatio­n with the family physician.”

It was only four months after the man had been charged that the officer even contacted the physician.

And though the notes the doctor faxed him show she saw “no bruises or bodily injuries,” the officer never reintervie­wed the complainan­t about the contradict­ions.

The judge found that the man had been defamed by his accuser, and that he very nearly met the four-pronged test for “malicious prosecutio­n.”

In the end, the judge said, he found the doctor to be a credible witness, and preferred her evidence to that of the complainan­t, whom he found had used “the criminal process for purposes of retributio­n …”

Similarly, he said, he found the man more credible than the woman.

“I make a finding that the alleged sexual assault did not occur and that the sexual intercours­e and other sexual activity that occurred … was consensual.

“I also make a finding that … (the complainan­t) had no reasonable and probable cause to submit the allegation of sexual assault to the police.”

The woman is now trying to appeal that decision.

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