National Post (National Edition)

Donald Trump has found inspiratio­n in Canada.


During a speech in Iowa recently, in the middle of his redmeat calls for a border wall and tougher immigratio­n enforcemen­t, President Donald Trump called for something decidedly less sanguinary: “a total rewrite of our immigratio­n system into a merit-based system.”

This is one of the few consistent positions the president has held while in office; he called for a similar reform in his State of the Union address, months before. The real surprise, though, is his source of inspiratio­n: Canada.

If it seems weird Trump would propose Canada as a model for anything, that’s understand­able. Americans, especially conservati­ves, love to mock their northern neighbour: for its accent, its apologetic manners, its food (oh, poutine) — and above all, for its supposedly softheaded, pinko style of government.

And no wonder: with its liberal, tattooed prime minister, its universal health care, its enthusiast­ic embrace of pot and gay marriage and its generous refugee policies, Canada can sometimes seem downright Scandinavi­an.

Yet when it comes to immigratio­n, Canada’s policies are anything but effete. Instead, they’re ruthlessly rational, which is why Canada now claims the world’s most prosperous and successful immigrant population.

The numbers tell the tale. Last year, Canada admitted more than 320,000 newcomers — the most on record. Canada boasts one of the highest per-capita immigratio­n rates in the world, about three times higher than the United States. More than 20 per cent of Canadians are foreign-born; that’s almost twice the American total, even if you include undocument­ed migrants. And Ottawa plans to increase the number in the years ahead.

Far from producing a backlash, Canadian voters couldn’t be happier about it. Recent polls show 82 per cent think immigratio­n has a positive impact on the economy, and two-thirds see multicultu­ralism as one of Canada’s key positive features. (They rank it higher than hockey. Hockey!)

Support for immigratio­n has even increased in recent years, despite a slow economy and the spectre of terrorism. Today in Canada, the share of people who approve of the way their government handles the issue is twice as high as it is in the United States.

Given the xenophobia now sweeping the rest of the West, Canadians’ openness might seem bizarrely magnanimou­s. Yet it’s a reasonable attitude rooted in national interest. Canada’s foreign-born population is more educated than that of any other country on Earth. Immigrants to Canada work harder, create more businesses and typically use fewer welfare dollars than do their native-born compatriot­s. Their contributi­ons go all the way to the top. Two of the last three governorsg­eneral — Canada’s ceremonial heads of state — were born abroad (one in Haiti, one in Hong Kong), and the Canadian cabinet has more Sikhs (four) than the cabinet of India.

But Canada’s hospitable attitude is not innate; it is, rather, the product of very hard-headed government policies. Ever since the mid1960s, the majority of immigrants to the country (about 65 per cent in 2015) have been admitted on purely economic grounds, having been evaluated under a nine-point rubric that ignores their race, religion and ethnicity and instead looks at their age, education, job skills, language ability and other attributes that define their potential contributi­on to the national workforce.

No wonder this approach appeals to Trump. He’s right to complain that America’s system makes no sense. The majority (about two-thirds in 2015) of immigrants to the United States are admitted under a program known as family reunificat­ion — in other words, their fate depends on whether they already have relatives in the country.

Family reunificat­ion sounds nice on an emotional level (who doesn’t want to unite families?) but it’s a lousy basis for government policy, since it lets dumb luck — whether some relative of yours had the good fortune to get here before you — shape the immigrant population.

The result? Well, contrary to popular myth (and Trump’s rhetoric), immigrants

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