National Post (National Edition)

Weather isn’t small potatoes


Agri-Culture In farming, the risks are high. And there are some trains of thought that should not be followed.

The soybeans in front of our yard look healthy. The yellow patches visible from the road seem to be fading into the plant’s natural shade of green. But what looms in the back and front of every farmer’s mind is some variation of, “We’re 10 days from a drought and three inches from drowning.”

There were dry years in the ’80s. I’ve heard my parents speak of them. There were dry years with formidably high interest rates. I was alive then. I wasn’t old enough to have any loans but the stories from this period strike closer to home than those stemming from the Dirty Thirties.

Many farmers making payments on land were forced to sell. Farms that could, grew, gobbling up acres that were not previously for sale. It’s a memorable period for every Canadian farmer, especially for those who struggled to make ends meet.

I can’t speak to the internal life of an Alberta farmer, who, having suffered a wet fall last year has to harvest a worthless crop in spring instead of seeding a new one. I can’t speak to this amount of stress. I can only express how important it is to understand that the absolute loss of a year’s worth of income and a lot of food can come at the hands of one storm.

My farm is a few dozen kilometres from the U.S. border. It’s typically warmer here than in Winnipeg. We have a longer growing season and, as such, can grow different varieties. A plant that matures in 100 days is quite distinct from a plant that matures in 105.

But, longer season varieties push the season back, and frost can kill or irreparabl­y damage a living plant.

Monitoring the weather and tracking its various systems across the Prairies is paramount to farming. To see a rain event in the forecast and postpone fieldwork until it passes is rolling the dice. Our farm’s heavy soils dry slower than our light ones and there’s no predicting what that cloud will do.

As complex as the mechanisms behind agricultur­e have become, what a plant needs to survive is simple and unchanging: plants need the right amount of water and sunshine to grow. That is, plants need the right weather conditions.

The sector is rife with weather pundits, amateur meteorolog­ists, mapping technologi­es and trusted sources, all promising to be the final word on this growing season’s weather. Trusting one of these is lazy farming. Instead, we look at them all, hoping each source will slowly reveal a larger more accurate picture of what is happening and what is going to happen above our fields. Sometimes this works, but most often the trends that affect our farms are largely unpredicta­ble.

Some folklore estimates absolute crop loss to happen one in every 10 years. In some areas, it’s been longer than 10, so the expectatio­n is for, “any time now.”

Ask a farmer about climate change, taking into account that he or she has probably watched the weather more intensely over a longer period of time than you ever have. This doesn’t make them right. But it makes them worthy of a few minutes of your time.

“We could use a bit of rain, eh?” said my dad, not as much asking a question as starting a conversati­on. “It’s not crucial yet, but it could be shortly.”

It is this conversati­on that will be repeated throughout the early stages of the growing season. The plants are developing and thirsty right now; but not too thirsty.

When it rains, we want it to stop soon, fearing drowning and disease. When it’s dry, we’d like a slow inch of rain. When it’s hot, we worry about wilt. And when it’s cool, it sure would be nice if it would warm up a bit.

My text threads with other farmers are largely focused on weather. A farm two miles south of mine may receive a different amount of rain or none at all.

A farmer 10 miles west may be able to tell me what to expect out of that system tracking my way.

There is a closet meteorolog­ist in all of us farmers. But you would be no different if the clouds determined the size of your paycheque. I watch the weather and cling to the belief that everything will work out.

Plants are overall resilient things. They live because, like all life on Earth, they want to.

 ?? TOBAN DYCK ?? Farmers worry about the weather, because their livelihood depends on it Toban Dyck writes. “When it rains, we want it to stop soon, fearing drowning and disease. When it’s dry, we’d like a slow inch of rain.”
TOBAN DYCK Farmers worry about the weather, because their livelihood depends on it Toban Dyck writes. “When it rains, we want it to stop soon, fearing drowning and disease. When it’s dry, we’d like a slow inch of rain.”
 ?? TOBAN DYCK ?? There is a closet meteorolog­ist in all farmers, writes Toban Dyck. Monitoring weather is paramount.
TOBAN DYCK There is a closet meteorolog­ist in all farmers, writes Toban Dyck. Monitoring weather is paramount.

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