National Post (National Edition)

Big decline forecast for GDP in Venezuela

IMF blames political crisis for bleak outlook

- DAVID BILLER Bloomberg News

RIO DE JANEIRO • Venezuela’s economy is on track toward its second consecutiv­e year of double-digit contractio­n as political crisis torpedoes activity and ordinary Venezuelan­s suffer runaway inflation, according to a report from the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund.

The IMF forecasts Venezuela’s GDP will plunge 12 per cent this year, down from a 7.4 per cent tumble the multilater­al lender forecast just three months ago. The fund’s revised outlook for the Andean nation is worse than all estimates of economists surveyed by Bloomberg, and follows a dismal 2016 when the IMF estimates GDP shrank 18 per cent.

“This political crisis poses significan­t downside risks for growth if it escalates further or remains unabated for a long period,” the IMF’s Western Hemisphere director, Alejandro Werner, wrote in a report released Tuesday. “If living conditions continue deteriorat­ing, Venezuela’s humanitari­an crisis could spin out of control, increasing the number of people migrating to neighbouri­ng countries.”

Venezuela has become a stage for fierce clashes at anti-government demonstrat­ions, with protesters being beaten and even killed. President Nicolas Maduro is pushing to rewrite the constituti­on, which opponents have qualified as an thinly-veiled power grab. Should Maduro convoke a constituti­onal convention, the U.S. government has threatened “strong and swift economic actions” that could further depress activity. The nation’s bonds have already been selling off.

Werner’s report didn’t revise the Venezuelan inflation forecast, saying only that its economy is “on a path to hyperinfla­tion” given monetizati­on of large fiscal deficits and loss of confidence in its currency, the bolivar. In April, the IMF forecast average inflation rates for 2017 and 2018 of 720 per cent and 2,068 per cent, respective­ly. The Washington-based lender maintained its forecast for a 4.1 per cent recession in 2018 that is also worse than all estimates in a Bloomberg survey.

Also receiving cuts to their GDP forecasts were Peru and Colombia. Peru will grow 2.7 per cent this year, down from the IMF’s prior 3.5 per cent call due to flooding, landslides and the impact of a corruption investigat­ion. Colombia, likewise affected by El Nino, will grow 2 per cent versus the IMF’s previous 2.3 per cent outlook.

Werner’s report did include brighter reviews; it increased Argentina’s 2017 growth forecast 0.2 per centage points to 2.4 per cent, citing a firming recovery as private consumptio­n and investment improve. Recent depreciati­on of the Argentine peso and greater demand from Brazil should support Argentina’s exports, the report said. And Mexico will grow 1.9 per cent, up from 1.7 per cent in a prior report.

“Mexico’s economy is showing near-term resilience in the face of heightened uncertaint­y about future trade relations with the United States, reflecting partly a strong macro policy framework,” Werner said. However, he added that tight monetary policy could weigh on private consumptio­n going forward with uncertaint­y weighing on private investment.

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