National Post (National Edition)

Mom convicted in son’s death wants case thrown out

- KEVIN MARTIN Postmedia News

CALGARY • The 38 months it took the prosecutio­n to convict Tamara Lovett of criminal negligence in her son’s death was excessive and should result in the case being tossed, her lawyer said Tuesday.

Defence counsel Alain Hepner said the time period exceeded guidelines establishe­d by the Supreme Court in the Jordan decision and should result in a stay being entered against Lovett.

Hepner said the period between Lovett being charged in November of 2013, and her conviction last January, by Justice Kristine Eidsvik, amounted to a breach of Lovett’s Charter right to be tried within a reasonable period of time.

In the Jordan decision released earlier this year, the Supreme Court said cases that take longer than 30 months to be completed from the time a person is charged will be presumed to be a violation of an individual’s Charter right.

But Crown prosecutor Jonathan Hak said the delay attributab­le to the justice system, as opposed to the defence, was only 32 months.

He noted Lovett’s trial could have been conducted in June of 2016, but Hepner was unavailabl­e, causing its start to be delayed until late November 2016.

Hak said while that was still in excess of the 30 months establishe­d in Jordan, the Lovett case was a transition­al one that began before that ruling, so previous case-law applied. The prosecutor said the test for determinin­g unreasonab­le delay was whether it prejudiced the accused and whether the case was a serious one.

Hak said because Lovett was able to conduct her defence without any problem, even testifying without struggling to remember details, there was no prejudice in the case.

But Eidsvik expressed frustratio­n that cases are continuing to take too long.

“We can’t seem to have reasonably timed trials in Canada,” she said, noting other nations don’t seem to have those same difficulti­es.

“Why is it in other jurisdicti­ons around the world they can do it,” she asked.

Hak suggested it was a resource issue that continues to plague the system.

“We suffer under resource issues that affect our ability to schedule trials,” he said.

Lovett, 48, was convicted in January of criminal negligence causing death in connection with the March, 2013, death of her son, Ryan.

Ryan Lovett, aged seven, died March 2, 2013, after his mother continued to treat the gravely ill boy with “natural” remedies instead of obtaining profession­al medical care, which would have saved his life.

In convicting her, Eidsvik found Lovett gambled with the boy’s life by sticking to her belief system, ultimately losing that gamble. At her September sentencing hearing, Lovett said she no longer adheres to the belief system that led her to treat the dying boy with oil of oregano and dandelion tea.

A teary Lovett said she now knows what she was doing in treating her son, Ryan, was wrong.

“Every day I punish myself. I think of Ryan and blame myself for not knowing better,” Lovett said, following Crown and defence sentencing submission­s.

“At the time I believed I was doing the best for my children,” said Lovett, who also has an older son who was not under her care. “I hope others learn from my ignorance.”

Eidsvik will rule on the stay applicatio­n on Nov. 17.

She said if she denies the applicatio­n, she will likely proceed to sentencing Lovett that day. Hak is seeking a sentence of four to five years, while Hepner has argued for a one-year jail term followed by probation.

Lovett remains at liberty pending her next court appearance.

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