National Post (National Edition)

Probes launched of Obama team

- MARY CLARE JALONICK The Associated Press, with files from the Washington Post

WASHINGTON • As close associates of President Donald Trump are questioned as part of congressio­nal investigat­ions into Russia’s election interferen­ce, House Republican­s announced two probes looking back at the Obama administra­tion, including the renewed examinatio­n of Democrat Hillary Clinton’s emails.

The announceme­nts Tuesday, coming amid interviews with the president’s personal lawyer and his former campaign digital director, appear aimed at diverting attention away from congressio­nal probes into potential co-ordination between the Kremlin and associates of the Trump campaign.

The Republican leaders of the House Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform panels said in a statement they were opening investigat­ions into the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email investigat­ion and the decision not to prosecute her — the subject of hours-long congressio­nal hearings last year. The Republican chairman of the House intelligen­ce committee, Rep. Devin Nunes, also announced a separate investigat­ion into a uranium deal brokered during president Barack Obama’s tenure.

House Judiciary Chairman Robert Goodlatte, and Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy, said the inquiry will be aimed at the FBI and its decisions during the Clinton investigat­ion. Ousted FBI director James Comey and former attorney general Loretta Lynch spoke at length to Congress about that investigat­ion last year, and it’s the subject of an ongoing review by the Justice Department’s inspector general. The two panels have declined to investigat­e Russia’s interferen­ce in the 2016 elections, leaving those probes to Senate committees and the House intelligen­ce committee.

Nunes has separately signed off on subpoenas that sought the banking records of Fusion GPS, the political research firm behind a dossier of allegation­s about Trump’s connection­s to Russia.

The uranium deal to be investigat­ed dates to 2009, when state-owned Russian nuclear energy company Rosatom began buying shares in Uranium One, a company based in Toronto with interests in the U.S. The next year, Rosatom sought to assume majority ownership in Uranium One — a deal that the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) had to approve. Russia later assumed full ownership of the company.

 ??  ?? Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton

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