National Post (National Edition)

Redistribu­te that house!

- MATTHEW LAU Matthew Lau is a Toronto writer. Jorge Araya is president and CEO of Imperial Tobacco Canada.

If local politician­s decided there’s something “wrong” with the prices of winter coats in Montreal, should they remedy the situation by introducin­g a new tax?

Obviously not. Nor would anyone think it sensible for the government to try controllin­g the number of hockey sticks sold in Vancouver or whether some Calgarians should or shouldn’t be buying new trucks next year. But then there’s houses. One recent survey by Fortress Developmen­ts showed a roughly even split among respondent­s on the question of whether government should try to control house prices in Toronto, decide how many Toronto houses can be sold, and who can buy them.

Is there something so special about Toronto real estate that it destroys the logic of the marketplac­e, and makes people yearn for the sector to be government-run?

Toronto Mayor John Tory says he finds it objectiona­ble that homebuyers leave houses empty and, cheered on by the Toronto Star, he thinks a “vacant-home tax” might be the fix.

“We want those properties to be on the market, available for people to own or to rent, because we don’t view housing as just another investment like something in the stock market,” he said this past spring. But people don’t need to justify to the government why they’re using or not using the things they buy legally, nor should they be punished just because the mayor wishes they would use those things differentl­y.

The vacancy taxers insist homes in the city must belong to people who will either rent it out or live in it themselves. But degree of use has never been a criterion for deciding who owns A recent survey showed a roughly even split among respondent­s on the question of whether government should try to control house prices in Toronto, decide how many Toronto houses can be sold, and who can buy them. things. People buy cars to drive them, store them, or smash them up in derbies.

Whatever their plans, they still must pay car dealers the market price of the car.

It’s not the place of government to step in afterward and tax underused cars as a way of trying to redistribu­te them to people who will drive them the most. tax a success because the proportion of homes bought by non-residents in the Greater Golden Horseshoe fell from 4.7 per cent in the month before the tax began to 3.2 per cent after the tax was implemente­d. So while the Liberals in Ottawa are stoking a trade war because foreigners are taxing our government-subsidized to blame for the economic struggles of everyone else, so we need to punish them.

Of course it’s true that if well-funded foreigners buy lots of houses, prices tend to keep rising, because unlike with consumer goods such as cars, producers can’t simply ramp up supply.

That’s due to the fact the housing market suffers a scarcity problem.

But it’s important to understand where this scarcity problem comes from, since housing affordabil­ity is an important policy goal: it isn’t good for any society when people cannot afford a place to live.

The root of the scarcity problem is not rich foreigners. It’s the scarcity-enforcers in the Ontario government and at City Hall. In Toronto, a heavy thicket of red tape impedes new homes from flowing onto the market.

According to the Fraser Institute, “on average, it takes almost 18 months to obtain a building permit in Toronto” and “more than two-thirds of building projects in Toronto required rezoning.”

At the provincial level, Liberals policies like the creation of the Greenbelt in 2005 have reduced the amount of land available for housing. And earlier this year the Liberals expanded rent control, which nearly all economists (and certainly all the good ones) agree is an abominatio­n due to its negative effects on rental supply.

Yet, according to too many politician­s, the answer to the high price barriers in housing isn’t rolling back the regulatory policies that constrain new supply.

It’s introducin­g punitive taxes and price controls.

They should know by now that increased central planning never overcomes problems of scarcity; it can only make things worse. edibles (e.g., baked goods and gummy bears) and multiple flavours.

Meanwhile, nearly all flavoured tobacco products are already banned, and the government plans to standardiz­e the shape, size and appearance of cigarettes, which will make it virtually impossible to differenti­ate legal from illegal products.

The government has made no indication the advertisem­ent and promotion of marijuana products will be banned, and public figures like The Tragically Hip and Trailer Park Boys have already been signed as marijuana brand ambassador­s. Meanwhile, nearly all forms of marketing, advertisem­ent and sponsorshi­p of tobacco products are banned.

The government is no doubt serious in its intent to responsibl­y regulate access to a risky product like marijuana, and reduce access to youth. After all, regular youth marijuana use in Canada is nearly six times greater than regular youth tobacco use. If its marijuana policies are sufficient to protect youth from product risks, as well as curtail the illegal industry, why are they not adequate for tobacco?

In an age of progressiv­e policies, the same principles used by our government to oversee their approach to marijuana should also be applied to tobacco. Additional consumers will not be tempted by the black market, taxpayers will be better off, and only the criminals will complain.

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