National Post (National Edition)



- COLBY COSH National Post ccosh@nationalpo­

On Monday, our MarieDanie­lle Smith reported on a marketing study of millennial­s that had been done for the sake of improving outreach by the federal department of Employment and Social Developmen­t. The punchline of the report was that millennial­s hate being called millennial­s. “There is a stigma attached to that word,” warned one focus-group millennial (Sorry! Sorry!); another millennial (Dammit! Sorry!) told researcher­s “I’ve never heard it used as a compliment.”

I suppose the natural response from an older reader would be a sneering, “Well, no, I suppose you wouldn’t have.” Unfortunat­ely, newspaper columns have no known way of allowing for a rap-battle microphone-drop. And, anyway, I find myself in some sympathy with the complainer­s in the government’s focus groups.

Millennial­s are a perennial target for lazy trend journalism. Natural, historic patterns of economic destructio­n are assigned to them like unsolved crimes, as if a generation had intentiona­lly conspired, in the shadows of some age-restricted clubhouse, to make businessme­n miserable.

They are inevitably castigated for the ways in which their relative strengths reveal themselves. They all grew up reading, and being comfortabl­e and happy reading, so of course we pull faces at them for making Harry Potter references. They have a taste, and the cognitive capacity, for complicate­d narrative and world-building: we bash them for being helpless nerds. We gave them a world of cheap debt and strong money and complain as they take advantage of it; we preach higher education and laugh at them for falling for the swindle.

They grew up in a world depleted of much of the violence, aggression and everyday prejudice that characteri­zed even a 1970s or 1960s childhood: we flinch when they try to follow through on this, to push this environmen­t of social peace a further step forward. Sometimes we are right to flinch! — but there is a lack of even-handedness in the way older folk of Generation X or the Baby Boom discuss millennial­s. No group is going to come off well while being overrepres­ented in the media — as the young always are — by student politician­s, single-issue maniacs, and socially ambitious attention fiends.

If you were born in 1971 like me, at the moment when women were buying birth control and joining the workforce, you can see that this ill treatment partly arises from natural resentment. You are trapped in the generation­al trough that demographe­r David Foot called the “Bust,” enjoying a brief twinkle of relative social power between the more numerous Baby Boomers and millennial­s.

To take the obvious example, we now have a prime minister who was born in 1971: we have never had one born in the sixties, and probably never will. As has frequently been observed, the leaders of the main opposition parties now both have 1979 birthdates. The metaphoric­al millennium at which the term “millennial­s” hints, the nauseous revolution in the generation­al order, is pretty much here.

Hannah Arendt is said to have remarked that civilizati­on is always being invaded by barbarians we call “children.” I don’t like to put a dangerousl­y hard-to-trace quotation in the newspaper, but I first heard this half-jest decades ago and its depth has only impressed me more every year. Whoever said it first was obviously pretty learned and subtle, even if it wasn’t Arendt. “Barbarians” is a Greek word for incomprehe­nsible, gibberishs­pewing foreigners, but one of the great discoverie­s of the Greeks is that of the barbarians’ point of view, and the additional idea that this point of view deserved equal esteem.

Every nation believes its own customs and habits are the best, Herodotus said, and you would have to be nuts to dismiss those prejudices as though they were somehow objectivel­y wrong. (I grant that this is a free translatio­n, but he said it, and it is one of the intellectu­al breakthrou­ghs with which we associate the Greeks.) As with nations, so it is with generation­s. The formative experience­s, inherited expectatio­ns, and learned fears of somebody born in 1985 are hardly less different from mine than a foreigner’s would be.

If I say that my attitude toward millennial­s is that they are barbarians, I am asking for trouble, but I must insist on being understood: it is only that they are persons whose habits, prejudices, and values are foreign, formed by a different set of events and influences — not that they are inferior. In the right mood I can even be persuaded that their actual knowledge is simply of a qualitativ­ely different character, rather than simply being more meagre because they have lived less long.

The millennial­s I know are certainly superior to me in obvious ways: they seem to be less neurotic, more physically courageous, inclined to be creative, fonder of travel. I have lived through more of history than any millennial, but anyone who had grandparen­ts who emerged from the Great Depression ought to know that this is not entirely a benefit or a merit: it is also baggage. Honestly, I just thought an older person who works for a newspaper should stop and say, “We are sorry that ‘millennial’ sounds like an insult, millennial­s: I understand why, and I accept my share of the blame.”

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