National Post (National Edition)

Liberals not to blame for terrorism strategy

No easy answers on low rate of prosecutio­ns


The accusation that Liberal policies are creating a safe haven for returning jihadists seemed to light a fire under the normally unflappabl­e Ralph Goodale.

The public safety minister’s eyes blazed like the back end of the Batmobile, as he decried Conservati­ve “innuendo and insinuatio­n” that the government is not protecting Canadians.

“Anyone that needs to be under surveillan­ce is indeed under surveillan­ce,” he thundered in response to repeated questionin­g from the opposition.

There was almost a sense of injustice in Goodale’s response, following criticism that the Liberal emphasis on changing the minds of returning ISIS members through de-radicaliza­tion counsellin­g constitute­s an abdication of responsibi­lity on the government’s part.

In response to a column in this space Monday, the response of “Lyle Conservati­ve” on Twitter was typical: “The Liberals are all idiots.”

While one can have some sympathy with the sentiments, in this case the subject matter is too nuanced and too important to indulge in partisan point-scoring.

We have a problem — the government’s public threat report said about 60 extremist travellers had returned to Canada by the end of last year. The government is sticking with those numbers, even as academic Amarnath Amarasinga­m claims that the true figure is much lower – “no more than 10 at most”.

Whatever the number, the existing literature suggests returnees are capable, committed and dangerous (a study by Norwegian academic, Thomas Hegghammer, pegged the recidivism rate at one in nine. His study said those who do return are more effective operators than nonveteran­s).

Goodale maintains returnees are under “very careful investigat­ion” but that the government’s focus is on reintegrat­ion.

There will be those returnees who may respond to counsellin­g by the new Canada Centre for Community Engagement and Prevention of Violence, and the antiradica­lization efforts of the Council of Canadian Imams.

But deradicali­zation programs have been viewed with skepticism because it is all but impossible to say whether or not they have worked.

Phil Gursky, a former CSIS strategic analyst, believes that the working assumption for security agencies must be “once a terrorist, always a terrorist”.

But if we are not prepared to hunt down and kill Canadians in Syria, as our allies are doing, and counsellin­g is unlikely to be sufficient, what are the options?

The obvious answer is criminal prosecutio­n. After all, it is a Criminal Code offence to participat­e in terrorism — a relatively low threshold that does not require proof that jihadists committed acts of rape or murder.

But Canada has only charged two individual­s with leaving Canada to participat­e in the activity of a terrorist group (three others have been charged in absentia) — a rate far lower than the U.S., U.K., Australia or even Norway.

Unfortunat­ely for Lyle Conservati­ve and his ilk, this is not the Liberals’ fault.

Decisions on whether to prosecute or not are made by the Public Prosecutio­n Service of Canada, based on whether there is a reasonable prospect of conviction.

That, of course, depends on the evidence supplied by the security agencies.

Craig Forcese, who teaches national security law at University of Ottawa, says it’s not yet clear whether the low prosecutio­n rate is because of cautious intelligen­ce agencies, wary prosecutor­s or both.

He pointed out that in the U.K., police and intelligen­ce services work much more closely than in Canada, where CSIS and the RCMP often carry out parallel investigat­ions.

“It’s clunky and it makes me worry about our nimbleness were we confronted with a fast-moving, competent adversary,” he said. “Clearly we struggle in bringing intelligen­ce agencies to bear in supplying evidence.”

He also pointed out that the U.K. employs specialize­d terrorism prosecutio­n solicitors in the Crown Prosecutio­n Service, which could increase the willingnes­s to lay charges. “Such specialize­d expertise was an Air India inquiry recommenda­tion,” he said.

The bottom line is that the security challenge is real and the solutions are not simple.

But if the blame does not rest solely with the government, the responsibi­lity to co-ordinate the justice system most certainly does.

Yet there is security legislatio­n currently going through the House of Commons that is more concerned with ensuring CSIS complies with the Charter of Rights, than prosecutin­g people who broke the law by leaving Canada to join a terror army.


 ?? MILITANT PHOTO VIA AP FILES ?? Unlike Britain, Canada relies on a “clunky” system of competing agencies — CSIS and the RCMP — to provide intelligen­ce on terrorism threats.
MILITANT PHOTO VIA AP FILES Unlike Britain, Canada relies on a “clunky” system of competing agencies — CSIS and the RCMP — to provide intelligen­ce on terrorism threats.
 ??  ?? Ralph Goodale
Ralph Goodale
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