National Post (National Edition)



- JOHN ROBSON National Post

There he goes again. After throwing a monkey wrench into negotiatio­ns for a TransPacif­ic Partnershi­p with mostly friendly nations and putting a long list of implausibl­e PC demands on the NAFTA table, Justin Trudeau is very keen to sign a deal with good old Red China. And here his naivete is dangerous.

The story appeared the same day as one saying, “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed Sunday he will offer an apology to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgende­r, queer and twospirite­d people who were forced out of the military or public service and some who were even prosecuted criminally for ‘gross indecency.’” There is something greasy about apologizin­g for other people’s misdeeds especially when you seem so blithe about your own. And he has never apologized for blurting out admiration for China’s communist dictatorsh­ip, even though it not only harassed but executed homosexual­s, bisexuals, the transgende­red, queer, twospirite­d and on down the list during the 1960s, and still does not recognize gay marriage or transgende­r rights.

The People’s Republic of China is a menacing strategic presence, claiming waters to which it has no right, building a blue-water navy with no innocent purpose and fomenting noxious economic and strategic relationsh­ips around the globe. And while Trudeau may not be in the “#*&( Americans, I hate those %&(*(&*” wing of the Liberal party, the skepticism he and his ilk have shown about America’s strategic goals has been strangely absent when it comes to China.

Forget Donald Trump here, who doesn’t seem to have “goals” so much as attitudes, mostly bad and ignorant. Consider our obstinate virtue-signalling refusal to be part of ballistic missile defence, under Bush Jr., Obama or Trump, despite the active missile and warhead programs in North Korea and Iran, both vicious extreme regimes close to … oh dear. Beijing. Instead cooperativ­e rather than combative activity when driven by consumer satisfacti­on. The problem is that China’s economy is a fraudulent house of cards.

People who once believed Soviet economic statistics now believe Chinese ones and say “wooo, it’s the world’s 2nd-largest economy and will soon pass the U.S.’", often with an undertone of “ha ha, serves those arrogant Americans right.” As if the world would really be a better place if central planning and political repression driven by materialis­t philosophy actually worked. But it doesn’t.

Partly Chinese statistics should be regarded with suspicion bordering on contempt because they are often deliberate lies. They speaking, the Soviet economy is not an economy at all.” Neither is China’s. So what is it?

Essentiall­y, it is an instrument of state power. Chinese corporatio­ns investing abroad are tentacles of the state while foreign trade is a political activity, selling goods below their true cost in labour and environmen­tal degradatio­n to earn foreign currency for geopolitic­al purposes.

The whole enterprise is profoundly misguided, and would be dangerous to the Chinese themselves even without additional problems of excessive debt, fraud, kleptocrac­y and demographi­c decline. But China’s cavernous weaknesses are not reassuring for us because the most dangerous combinatio­n geopolitic­ally is short-term optimism and long-term pessimism. And China’s leaders have every reason for the latter, even if much Western leadership and punditry doesn’t see it.

How is it that Justin Trudeau is still as starry-eyed about China as so much of the global jet set is about Trudeau? What does he think about China’s misconduct abroad and at home, its economic fragility, repression and ham-fisted aggression? Does he think about it at all?

It might seem we somehow elected Alfred E. Neuman of “What, Me Worry?” fame. But Trudeau’s blithe attitude apparently only applies to enemies of the West. In his upside-down world view, trade with friends is bad while trade with enemies is good.

A goofy grin doesn’t make such naivete cute. Or harmless.

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