National Post (National Edition)

Little beans bring big losses


- JEN SKERRITT Bloomberg

Tin Winnipeg he little lentil and the humble pea — staples for vegetarian­s all over the world — are having a big impact on the declining profitabil­ity of some Canadian farmers and food makers.

Not only have lentil prices tumbled more than 30 per cent in the past year, but the largest consumer, India, had bumper harvests and is trying to unload its surplus inventory.

Exports of so-called pulse crops by Canada, the top grower and shipper, are down by about half. Regina-based AGT Food & Ingredient­s Inc., a big seller of pulses, has reported four straight quarters of losses and its shares are down 46 per cent in 2017.

“It’s hard to get somebody willing to buy right now,” said Saskatchew­an farmer Brad Blackwell, who seeded one third of his 8,000 acres with red lentils this year. “Prices are quite dismal.”

The outlook has gone from bad to worse, disrupting a business that was enjoying the highest prices ever as recently as early 2016.

Since then, farmers have expanded production, creating a global glut. In Canada alone, the number of acres devoted to lentils jumped 62 per cent from four years earlier while pea plantings climbed 23 per cent, government data show.

Lentil shipments in the three months through October dropped to 88,200 tonnes, down 71 per cent from the same period a year earlier, Canadian Grain Commission data show. Exports of dried peas dropped 39 per cent to 849,900 tonnes.

In India, where the legumes are cooked with curry spices, sauces or butter and eaten at most meals with rice and flat bread, demand for imported pulses is fading. Farms have rebounded from the weak monsoon rains that devastated crops back in 2014. The country also is importing more peas and lentils from Eastern Europe that are cheaper than Canadian supplies, said Marlene Boersch, managing partner of Mercantile Consulting Venture in Winnipeg.

India harvested 23 million tonnes of pulses in the 2016-2017 crop year that ended in July, up 28 per cent from a year earlier, said Colin Topham, president of the Canadian Special Crops Associatio­n. The government on Nov. 16 scrapped export curbs, and a ministeria­l council is reviewing the trade policies on pulses. The country has imposed import taxes on peas, which Topham says means prices are poised to drop further.

In the week of Nov. 9, Canadian yellow peas had their biggest weekly decline on record, falling 25 per cent to $6 a bushel, according to Brian Clancey, president and senior market analyst at Vancouver-based Stat Communicat­ions Ltd.

Grower bids for red lentils slid 19 per cent during the same week, while bids for large green lentils tumbled 18 per cent, he said.

“We’re working through our first global pulse oversupply in many years,” Topham said.

Complicati­ng the outlook are new Indian penalties on Canadian shipments, ending an earlier waiver that exempted them from having to fumigate dried peas and lentils.

Farmers in Saskatchew­an are being offered about 19 cents a pound for red lentils, down from more than 30 cents a year earlier, Blackwell said. As a result, the return for growers on pulses are no longer as attractive as grains or oilseeds, Clancey said.

The drop-off in demand is putting the squeeze on companies that make their living selling pulses to consumers, including AGT Food & Ingredient­s.

Big buyers including India and Turkey have cut back, and policy changes in India have created a “sense of general malaise” in the market, said CEO Murad Al-Katib.

“This recovery to more normalized conditions is now expected to come more slowly than previously estimated,” Al-Katib said on an earnings call with analysts on Nov. 6. Al-Katib did not respond to a request for an interview.

In the meantime, some farmers are relying on other crops, including wheat and canola, to pay the bills.

Blackwell, the Saskatchew­an grower, says he will hold onto his lentils for awhile to see if prices recover, but probably will plant less of it next year because returns are so lousy. “I’ll wait till the new year and see where the market goes,” Blackwell said. “Demand worldwide is down.”


 ?? PETER WILSON / POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES ?? Lentils are harvested in Aberdeen, Sask. Prices for the vegetarian staple are down 30 per cent in the past year.
PETER WILSON / POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES Lentils are harvested in Aberdeen, Sask. Prices for the vegetarian staple are down 30 per cent in the past year.

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