National Post (National Edition)



The value of an apology is inversely proportion­al to the public relations pressure under which it was given. Principia Apologia, auth. Bertha Newton (Isaac’s sadly overshadow­ed sister)

According to that metric, which I enthusiast­ically endorse, the twin mea culpas from Wilfrid Laurier University to Lindsay Shepherd (one from its president, Deborah MacLatchy, the other from the leader of the troika who visited the Thought Correction Session on Shepherd, Nathan Rambukkana) approach, if not collide with, zero value.

I am heartened in this view by the considerat­ion that Post colleague Christie Blatchford frowned most mercilessl­y on Laurier’s whispered regrets. Gifted with a jeweller’s eye in such matters, Blatchford applied the adjectives “craven, dissemblin­g, and revisionis­t” to their efforts, adding — good sport that she is — that she would “tell them all to blow the mea culpas out their various bums.” (Christie, ambivalent as always.)

More to the point, our honoured protagonis­t in this affair, Lindsay Shepherd, also scaled the apologies low on the down slope. With the clarity and directness now establishe­d as her hallmark, she wrote: “Moral of the story: A university must be repeatedly publicly shamed, internatio­nally, in order to apologize …. Even then, ambiguous about free speech.”

Apologies, as a priority tactic in damage control, are getting quite a workout these days — from Harvey Weinstein to Kevin Spacey to Charlie Rose — not that I am attempting to conflate the open bathrobe gambits of Weinstein and Rose, or the crotch expedition­s of Spacey, with the Wilfrid Laurier shenanigan­s. That would be like dragging a Hitler speech into equivalenc­e with a threeminut­e clip from TVO’s The Agenda. An utterly unthinkabl­e operation we all agree.

Forced apologies come perilously close to a contradict­ion in terms, the point of an apology being the willing recognitio­n of a genuine wrong and sincere regret for having caused it. Rather than, as in Laurier’s case, a desperate hope to pacify angry donors and reel back the goodwill of an outraged and astonished public.

May I summarize the points so far by saying that my positional­ity on their apologies is problemati­c and my problemati­cs on their positional­ity is profound.

The real mess here, however, is that they are choosing not to see the full problem at all: that their dealings with Shepherd are but a particular of a general phenomenon, a parable, if you will, of a collapse in the understand­ing of the university, what education is, and how it is being delivered.

Here’s what is not in the apology. That this is not some one-off incident, but rather an egregious illustrati­on that some humanities courses at all universiti­es (mainly with the tag “studies”) function not as educative undertakin­gs, but as commitment­s to a narrow, predestine­d ideologica­l viewpoint. That such studies are enclosed universes of fixed thought, or intellectu­al predisposi­tion. That wedding any course to a pre-chosen political goal — social justice, identity studies, oppression studies, feminism — turns it into a sophistica­ted vehicle of indoctrina­tion and propaganda. Such courses inculcate doctrines, disoblige inquiry, abhor dissent, and are the reverse of an educationa­l exercise.

They are as dogmatic and intolerant of heresies as the churches of old when they held sway. The heresies of today are any deviation from the prescribed progressiv­e truisms of social justice, which constitute the catechism of advanced political correctnes­s. And by the way, throwing the incantatio­n “alt right” at anyone who walks a different path is not the intellectu­al exorcism that those who avail of this tawdry, manufactur­ed, empty label think it is. It’s a signal that you can’t argue.

And that is why every three-minute exposure to an argument of Jordan Peterson — even in debate with another professor — is regarded as “epistemic violence” that creates a “toxic climate for marginaliz­ed students,” and which must bring the full weight of inquisitio­n onto an honest, clear thinking and un-ideologica­l teaching assistant. The Lindsay Shepherd incident is simply one bubble in a boiling cauldron.

So if Laurier really wants to apologize, instead of confining itself to the particular case, it might want to regard how it created its own climate of intoleranc­e to varying perspectiv­es, how the reflex of its three professors went immediatel­y to turning on the heretic, rather than examining how their faculty went so quickly to quashing a valid exchange of thought. It might want to examine the cloying righteousn­ess and condescens­ion on full display in the taped session and ask from whence came the bland certitude, slipshod intellecti­on, and presumptuo­us righteousn­ess so characteri­stic of her interrogat­ors.

That might offer grounds for a repentant apology of some value and worth. And let it be noted that Laurier is far from alone in this; it’s just the particular university that got caught with the door open.

Here is one final thought on this miserable business. Miss Shepherd has said that, on her return to class, she was more or less ostracized; that she was, in her own words, “looked on as a monster.” Really? We’re just a few days away from Remembranc­e Day. Is there so little of the courage we so greatly celebrate on that anniversar­y now residing in the hearts and minds of university students and professors that they forgo — for the trivial fear of being thought not onside with “convention­al wisdom”— common manners and due respect to one of their peers?

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