National Post (National Edition)

EC gives U.K. 10 days to break Brexit deadlock


BRUSSELS • U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May has 10 days to come up with a new offer on the Brexit divorce bill if she wants to break the deadlock in negotiatio­ns before the end of the year.

European Council President Donald Tusk gave May until Dec. 4 to make extra efforts to resolve the difference­s between the two sides — most notably on the money and the thorny question of the future of the Irish border. On that day, May is planning to dine with European Commission President JeanClaude Juncker on Dec. 4, a meeting that now becomes a critical milestone for Brexit.

The deadline, disclosed by an EU official speaking anonymousl­y after a private meeting between Tusk and May, sets the stage for a frantic week-and-a-half of talks between British and European negotiator­s.

Both sides are targeting the Dec. 14-15 European summit as the moment when they want to be able to declare that sufficient progress has been made on the split to allow talks to begin.

On Friday, Tusk told May that unless she makes her offer by Dec. 4 there won’t be enough time for European leaders to agree sufficient progress has been made on the divorce to allow trade talks to be approved at the December summit, the official said.

In Brussels, May said she found a “genuine feeling” that both the EU and the U.K. want to break the deadlock in Brexit talks.

“There are still issues across the various matters that we’re negotiatin­g on to be resolved, but there’s been a very positive atmosphere in the talks,” May said.

The U.K.’s biggest fear is that the EU will not agree to allow talks to move on to discuss the future trade relationsh­ip and the transition period, even if May makes a new offer on paying the bloc’s unmet bills when Britain leaves.

Suspicions remain in London that the EU will simply bank any new promise and then demand more, without agreeing to move talks on to the second phase — the future. British officials believe that would be fatal to the negotiatio­ns process and want concrete assurances that a new offer on the money will be reciprocat­ed, the source said.

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