National Post (National Edition)

Intellectu­al-property amateur hour

- RichaRd c. Owens

Budget 2018 has quite rightly been heavily criticized as being full of symbolism and not substance, as the National Post’s John Ivison summed it up. The budget’s announceme­nt of a new “intellectu­al property strategy” has not yet received much attention. But it, too, is about signalling good intentions and ignoring effects. Whoever thought it up has clearly never been involved in any sort of transactio­n involving IP.

The budget announced the creation of a “patent collective.” Here’s what it said: “… the Government proposes to provide $30 million in 2019– 20 to pilot a Patent Collective. This collective will work with Canada’s entreprene­urs to pool patents, so that small and medium-sized firms have better access to the critical intellectu­al property they need ...”

The budget gave this definition of the “patent collective”: “A Patent Collective is a way for firms to share, generate, and license or purchase intellectu­al property. The collective approach is intended to help Canadian firms ensure a global ‘freedom to operate,’ mitigate the risk of infringing a patent, and aid in the defence of a patent infringeme­nt suit.”

To understand the budget’s assertions, some context is required. Patent “collective­s” are, in fact, practicall­y unknown. Rather, patents are sometimes “pooled” by groups of large corporatio­ns to facilitate product developmen­t. Industries like computer technology and aircraft manufactur­ing create patent pools by, effectivel­y, crosslicen­sing the patents held by each member of the pool to each other member, with correspond­ing payments to members whose contributi­ons have the highest values.

These pools form under rare circumstan­ces, are expensive and difficult to manage, and deal only with owned patents. What the government seems to propose is to deal among small technology firms. They are unlikely to have common interests in the first place, unlike the big patent pools. Moreover, the government wants to not only cross-licence patents, but to acquire patent rights from third parties to create a global “freedom to operate.”

How could such a collective possibly work? Will patent holders readily supply afoot here, except it’s worse since the government probably understand­s screws.

Then there is the budget’s announceme­nt of $4.5 million being spent to create a new “intellectu­al property marketplac­e”: “… This marketplac­e will be a onestop, online listing of public sector-owned intellectu­al property available for licensing or sale...”

First on the block, no doubt, the estimable Phoenix payroll system. Would “public sector-owned intellectu­al property” include proprietar­y IP of, say, Canada Post, the Canadian Commercial Corp., or other agencies? Does the federal government itself actually own IP, and have any idea where and what it may I strongly suspect that just proving government title, which would be fundamenta­lly necessary in any transactio­n, will be a problem. Moreover, the government’s own procuremen­t rules require IP to be left with its originator­s for further commercial­ization — not acquired outright by government for resale.

There is even a portion of $21.5 million in the budget set aside for “the creation of a team in the federal government to work with Canadian entreprene­urs to help them develop tailored strategies for using their intellectu­al property and expanding into internatio­nal markets.” Oh really? Try to imagine the efficacy of a team of bureaucrat­s busying themselves with a dizzying variety of complex IP problems; try to imagine the business person desperate, naive or confused enough to get involved with such a lot.

I had hoped the government had come to understand the importance of strong IP laws. The reference to an IP strategy in last year’s budget under “innovation” was a good sign. Yet, this budget makes it clear that Ottawa needs to treat IP rights with greater seriousnes­s — and eschew the effete posturing on display here.

Real intellectu­al-property strategy involves strengthen­ing IP rights, and there are many open issues concerning those rights the government is ignoring. It would be wise to return to the drawing board before going any further with any intellectu­al property strategy.

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