National Post (National Edition)

Like ISIL, Incel promotes blind hatred, carnage. Glavin,


- Terry Glavin

As we all strive and struggle to sort out what rational sense might be divined from Monday’s mass murder in the vicinity of Yonge and Finch in Toronto, the likely motive that has emerged, while still necessaril­y a matter of speculatio­n, involves a dark and horrible thing that the overwhelmi­ng majority of us, it seems safe to say, have never even heard of before.

What is the proper word for this thing? Is it a psychopath­ology? Some sort of sociopatho­logy? Is it even possible to reduce this phenomenon, or condition, or whatever it is, to the lexicons of clinical, medical terminolog­y? Is there something from the discipline of anthropolo­gy that might help?

As a way of describing the thing, if not defining it, “misogyny” seems to approach a high degree of precision. The term “toxic masculinit­y,” while routinely applied too liberally, unhelpfull­y and often disingenuo­usly, might be as close to the mark as it’s possible to get. “Patriarchy,” even, which is also a very real thing, can be said to be at least tangential­ly related. But these terms merely describe the thing that 25-yearold Alek Minassian alluded to in what Toronto police Det.-Sgt. Graham Gibson called a “cryptic message” Minassian posted on Facebook mere minutes before a rented white Ryder van began smashing into pedestrian­s along Yonge Street, shortly after which Toronto police constable Ken Lam apprehende­d Minassian in an encounter of the kind known as an attempted “suicide by cop.”

Minassian pointed an object at the Lam and was heard to say “kill me,” and “I have a gun in my pocket,” but he was arrested without a shot being fired, and he now faces 10 counts of firstdegre­e murder and 13 counts of attempted murder. As to the speculated motive, this is what police say Minassian posted on Facebook:

“Private (Recruit) Minassian Infantry 00010, wishing to speak to Sgt 4chan please. C23249161. The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!”

The long and short of it: A reference to Minassian’s briefly held rank in the Canadian Forces, perhaps a month, before he asked to be discharged, and to the mes- sage-board website 4chan, notorious for its repository of extremely unsavory shared-interest groups. One such discussion group is a gathering place for dangerousl­y disturbed men — and only men — who identify as “Incel,” which abbreviate­s the state of being an “involuntar­y celibate.”

Elliot Rodger is the man who murdered six people in a shooting rampage in Santa Barbara, Calif., four years ago before killing himself. “Chads and Stacys” is a reference to men and women who are not celibate, and show up in “Incel” discussion­s as objects of bitter contempt and seething rage. The “Incel” phenomenon is what you might call a bizarre cult of hatred — a hatred of perfectly ordinary, healthy and welladjust­ed people, especially women — and the glorificat­ion of rape and suicide.

This is not something with which most of us are even remotely familiar, but it will be immediatel­y familiar in the context of the most ubiquitous, mass-organized contempora­ry form of “terrorism,” another term that is routinely applied too liberally, unhelpfull­y and often disingenuo­usly.

It should leap straight out at you. A blind hatred of healthy, well adjusted people, especially women, organized around deeply disfigurin­g resentment­s into mass cults of death and the glorificat­ion of rape and suicide. Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban and the Islamic State all share these attributes to varying degrees, and configure their ideal states of social organizati­on as women-enslaving patriarchi­es.

Getting this straight is not easy, and the Criminal Code provisions on terrorism will not help you to comprehend what occurred in Toronto on Monday. Section 83.01 of the Criminal Code defines terrorism as acts committed “in whole or in part for a political, religious or ideologica­l purpose, objective or cause,” the point being to intimidate society with regard to its security, including economic security, or to compel a person, a government or an organizati­on to do something or refrain from doing it.

It should be obvious, from what we know about the atrocity that was committed in Toronto on Monday, that the Criminal Code provisions on terrorism are of no help to us — not if the suspect proves to be guilty and the speculated motive is anywhere close to being accurate. What is less obvious, as more than 17 years of multilater­al, UN-authorized engagement in Afghanista­n shows, is that the way we understand “terrorism” hasn’t been of much use in making sense of the Taliban, either.

The Criminal Code, as is common in internatio­nal jurisprude­nce, comprehend­s terrorism as a means to an end, an act of violence or intimidati­on carried out for a particular “political, religious or ideologica­l purpose, objective or cause.” And here’s the thing about terrorism of the Taliban, or Incel, or Islamic State variety. It is not a means to an end. It is an end in itself. It is not about making a point. It is the whole point.

Being rational people, we recoil from this. We look for “root causes.” We imagine power-sharing arrangemen­ts. We entertain the conceit that “peace talks” should do the trick, as if the demands of Incel or Hezbollah or Hamas can be negotiated rationally at some kind of bargaining table. Give and take. Compromise. Jaw-jaw, better than war-war. That sort of thing.

There is certainly enough madness to go around.

Lucky for us, there is also usually enough kindness. We each have our own peculiar traditions and ideas about how to discharge the fundamenta­l human duty of care for one another in such circumstan­ces. My own hope is that we will not fail to ensure to comfort and console the crushed family of 25-yearold Alek Minassian, in common with all the other grieving families from Monday’s atrocity.

We are all ridiculous­ly and perfectly irrational about all of it. We put up little shrines. We write little letters to the dead and pile them on street corners. We have moments of silence. We offer up prayers. We hold hands with perfect strangers.

We carry on.

 ?? CRAIG ROBERTSON / POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? Scene on Yonge Street on Monday after 10 people were struck and killed and another 14 injured in a van attack.
CRAIG ROBERTSON / POSTMEDIA NEWS Scene on Yonge Street on Monday after 10 people were struck and killed and another 14 injured in a van attack.
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