National Post (National Edition)

Canada isn’t broken, but it’s bent

- Don BraiD Don Braid’s column appears regularly in the Calgary Herald.

Jin Calgary ason Kenney, leader of the United Conservati­ve Party in Alberta, recently prompted a Twitter uproar with one short sentence: “Canada is broken.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded sharply at the national Liberal convention last weekend: “I love this country down to my bones and I will defend it — and our values — against anyone who says it’s broken.”

The truth may be in the middle: Canada isn’t broken yet, but it’s bending dangerousl­y.

The key symptom is a growing refusal to respect legitimate decision-making, whether by the courts or regulatory bodies.

“I’m very concerned about how this will impact Canadian unity in the longer terms,” says Jim Horsman, who was Alberta’s intergover­nmental minister during the great constituti­onal battle of the early 1980s.

He saw key institutio­ns hold firm under great pressure. Today, he fears that acceptance of national norms is breaking down.

“We saw the example of how Quebec — or at least Montreal — took steps to prevent the east-west pipeline, successful­ly,” says Horsman, who calls current B.C. tactics in the Kinder Morgan pipeline dispute “very disturbing.”

Horsman points to B.C. Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver’s demand that the Supreme Court should decide on B.C.’s power to control bitumen. But when asked repeatedly if he’d respect a ruling against B.C., Weaver will not answer.

The federal NDP’s environmen­t critic, Alexandre Boulerice, did exactly the same thing after his party called for a Supreme Court reference.

“Well, we’ll see,” he said, when asked if the NDP would bow to a ruling in favour of the pipeline.

The Supreme Court is supposed to be the ultimate authority on law and governance in Canada. Its rulings are not conditiona­l.

Horsman says, “When people are not ready to accept a Supreme Court ruling, what’s next?”

Advocates now tend to see rulings from all the courts — whether provincial, federal or Supreme — as strategic way stations and prologues to new resistance.

Trudeau carries some responsibi­lity for this. He has often said “even though government­s grant permits, ultimately only communitie­s grant permission.”

In my view, that was a horrible mistake.

Burnaby refuses to accept the pipeline. The whole thing is stalled there. And the prime minister has rhetorical­ly endorsed the city’s stance.

If any community along the route of a linear national project has a veto, nothing will ever get built. Burnaby is the nightmare case — adamant refusal at the very end of the line.

Now, Trudeau’s only path to victory appears to include a broken promise and public investment in the project.

The PM provided B.C. with two other bad examples: cancelling the Northern Gateway project and changing emissions rules for the Energy East pipeline.

Northern Gateway had already been set back severely by the Federal Court, which overturned its approval for failing to consult with First Nations. Four months later, Trudeau declared it dead.

Infuriatin­g as B.C. Premier John Horgan turned out to be, you can hardly blame him for drawing two lessons: Approvals are conditiona­l — both in court and at the political level — and you can change environmen­tal rules halfway through.

The upshot is deep confusion about major projects and Ottawa’s ability to support the national economy.

Horsman contrasts this sharply with the repatriati­on of the Constituti­on in 1982.

Trudeau’s father, Pierre, first tried to bring the Constituti­on home from Britain unilateral­ly, without consulting the provinces.

Eight provinces appealed to the Supreme Court. They won. The Constituti­on was patriated with heavy input from the provinces, except Quebec, which refused to accept it.

Horsman was there for all the meetings. They were intense, complex, emotional and hugely important. One thing that struck him was the acceptance of the final deal, both by politician­s and the general public.

Quebec cried betrayal, of course. The separatist­s were then in power.

But it was remarkable — and quintessen­tially Canadian — to see how all parties generally respected the ground rules and tolerated key decisions.

Today, that respect is seriously eroded, both by parochial zealots and dithering, confusing politician­s.

Jim Horsman has the last words; a classic understate­ment: “Federal leadership in Canada has to be clear and understand­able. And, I don’t think it is at the present time.” United Conservati­ve Party leader Jason Kenney recently prompted a Twitter uproar by stating “Canada is broken.”

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