National Post (National Edition)

Rethinking streetscap­es after Yonge St.

- National Post ghamilton@nationalpo­

enough site elements or amenities to prevent a vehicle from gaining access to the sidewalk,” he said. “Based on the recent tragic events in Toronto, New York and elsewhere, this proposal for Ste. Catherine deserves to be revisited with an eye toward increasing pedestrian security.”

In the United States, he said, the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, prompted a change in mentality like the one that accompanie­d 1988 legislatio­n requiring buildings to be accessible to the disabled.

Security considerat­ions need to be part of the planning process, just as wheelchair ramps were. And designers have to account for new threats as they emerge.

“Rather than having a bomb-laden vehicle, the vehicle itself is now the threat and the weapon. We need to adapt to that and change how we address it,” he said. “My main purpose here is to try to get people to think beyond bollards and create wonderful cities and spaces where people are protected against crazy incidents.”

When an attack happens, authoritie­s’ initial reflex is to reassure the public with visible signs of protection. Hence the concrete blocks placed near Toronto’s Air Canada Centre before Monday’s hockey game and the Jersey barriers installed around the city’s Union Station.

“It’s understand­able that there has to be a short-term, immediate protection so that citizens of Toronto feel safe initially,” Hopper said. “The problem we have in this country is that temporary measures remain in place for years. That’s what you want to avoid.”

A city spokeswoma­n said design work had begun well before Monday on a Union Station project to enhance physical security, and interim mitigation measures that “fit in with the streetscap­e” were planned for installati­on this spring.

The city has not decided whether to keep the Jersey barriers in place until the interim measures can be installed.

Hopper, who recently took part in a panel on security design at the American Planning Associatio­n’s annual conference, said he is not aware of Canadian counterpar­ts who focus on security questions. “You’re lucky you haven’t had to focus as much,” he said.

Earlier attention could have conceivabl­y saved lives this week. Hopper said he was surprised to see how far the alleged driver, Alek Minassian, was able to drive along the Yonge Street sidewalk.

“I find that totally incredible, that there was no impediment that stopped him before he even finished going down one block,” he said.

With attention turned to the issue in Canada, Hopper said there are plenty of positive examples to draw on.

One of his favourites is New York’s Wall Street, fortified after 9/11. Instead of the standard pole bollard, the design incorporat­ed slanting bronze blocks that invoke gold nuggets. They block vehicle access while doubling as a place where people can sit.

He said the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C., opened in 2004, is another inspiratio­n. Instead of bollards in an unbroken line, they are interspers­ed with boulders coming from tribal territorie­s and planters containing plants of particular significan­ce to Indigenous peoples.

Hopper called it an “interestin­g and attractive and exciting urban landscape that doubles as a site security design.”

On a less grand scale, Hopper cited a street in Salt Inside the barriered walkway at Toronto’s Union Station. Lake City where a clock, a lamppost, benches and mature trees combine to shield pedestrian­s from the road.

“The primary objective is to create a rich and delightful pedestrian experience, not necessaril­y for security,” he said, but the resulting arrangemen­t leaves few areas where a vehicle could drive onto the sidewalk. He calls it “promoting security in a way that people don’t even realize they’re being protected.”

As an example not to be followed, he pointed to New York City’s response to a truck attack that killed eight last October.

The mayor announced that 1,500 bollards and concrete planters — which Hopper said can barely hold any soil — would be installed at key locations.

“People jump to install bollards because that’s all they know, but there are so many more options,” he said. One response has been to create stylized bollards.

“Even ones that are very nicely designed, they sort of lose their esthetic value when you see 100 or 200 of them in a row,” he said.

It is too soon to know whether Monday’s attack will prompt a change in thinking among planners in Canada. Toronto did not make available anyone from its planning department to discuss how security considerat­ions are incorporat­ed in the design of busy public spaces.

In an emailed statement, a city spokeswoma­n said “the need for security is planned and designed at a public realm level to balance security, accessibil­ity, and comfort for residents and visitors.”

Already, the concrete barriers outside Union Station have attracted criticism. Jennifer Keesmaat, former chief planner for the city, wrote on Twitter Wednesday that the barriers were nonsense.

She said they “create the perception that our city is less safe than it was three days ago. It is not. This was not terrorism. The Monday tragedy we mourn was an unfortunat­e, random, criminal act.”

Richard Roark, a landscape architect in Philadelph­ia who appeared on the American Planning Associatio­n panel with Hopper, said it is important to keep in mind that the risk of dying in an attack like Monday’s remains incredibly low.

He questions whether the $1 billion a year the United States spends annually on bollards is a sound investment. “We may think we are winning against the terrorists, but in a way they have actually controlled and focused our behaviour, spending enormous resources that may not actually be in our best interests,” he said.

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