National Post (National Edition)

Trial looms for Virginia protester

Charged after woman killed in Charlottes­ville

- Denise Lavoie

CHARLOTTES­VILLE, VA. • An Ohio man charged with killing a woman during a white nationalis­t rally in Virginia plans to argue that he believed he was acting in selfdefenc­e when he drove his car into a crowd of counterpro­testers.

A lawyer for James Alex Fields Jr. offered a glimpse of the defence strategy as jury selection began Monday in Charlottes­ville, fifteen months after this quiet Virginia city became a flashpoint for race relations in the u.s.

The “Unite the Right” rally on aug.12,2017, drew hundreds of white nationalis­ts to Charlottes­ville, where officials planned to remove a statue of Confederat­e general Robert E. Lee. Hundreds more showed up to protest against the white nationalis­ts.

The two sides began brawling before the rally got underway, throwing punches, setting off smoke bombs and unleashing chemical sprays.

Later, 32-year-old Heather Heyer was killed when a car authoritie­s say was driven by Fields plowed into a crowd of counter-protesters.

Afterward, President Donald Trump inflamed racial tensions when he said “both sides” were to blame, a comment some saw as a refusal to condemn racism.

Fields’ attorney John Hill told a group of prospectiv­e jurors Monday the jury will hear evidence that Fields “thought he was acting in self-defence.”

Hill asked if any of the prospectiv­e jurors believe using violence in self-defence is never appropriat­e.

Nearly all of the 68 prospectiv­e jurors in the first group to be questioned said they had read or heard about the case.

About 20 people said they had formed an opinion in the case. When asked if their opinion was so strong they could not put it aside and decide the case based only on the evidence, no hands were raised.

Fields was photograph­ed hours before the attack with a shield bearing the emblem of Vanguard America, one of the hate groups that participat­ed in the rally, although the group denied any associatio­n with him.

Pretrial hearings have offered few insights into Fields or his motivation.

A Charlottes­ville police detective testified that as he was being detained after the car crash, Fields said he was sorry and sobbed when he was told a woman had been killed. Fields later told a judge he is being treated for bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression and ADHD.

Star Peterson, whose right leg was virtually crushed by the car, has had five surgeries and still uses a wheelchair and cane.

She sat quietly in the courtroom Monday watching the proceeding­s.

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