National Post (National Edition)

Meet the meat eater’s reluctant patron saint


- Jake edmiston National Post jedmiston@nationalpo­

Michael Hunter was sitting at the longest table in his slender restaurant, seething. It was one of the quiet nights when the vegans were not camped outside. Still, their spectre seemed to haunt the sidewalk out front, at least for Hunter, who for months had been the subject of their weekly animal rights activism.

It was June, long after most had stopped paying attention to the ongoing spectacle outside Hunter’s restaurant, Antler Kitchen and Bar, in west-end Toronto. But it would continue anyway, Hunter and the vegans locked in a stubborn stalemate. The activists were clear: Their protests would continue, once a week, with signs and photos of livestock in various stages of dying, again and again, unless Hunter acknowledg­ed their cause with a sign in his front window, reading in part, “A dog is a pig is a chicken is a human.”

“There’s no f---ing way I’m going to put that sign in my window,” he said that evening in June, drinking Blue Buck ale from British Columbia as dinner service quieted down.

“I don’t know. It’s a personal beef at this point.”

Hunter became perhaps Canada’s most unlikely internatio­nal celebrity this year, known as the chef who butchered a deer in front of a group of startled vegans. That this single, impulsive gesture may define his entire career didn’t seem to bother him much that evening. His anger was with the vegans who visited this chaos upon his restaurant. They had the wrong guy.

But as baffled by this fight as he might have been, it was arguably a confrontat­ion he had been hurtling toward since before he even opened his restaurant.

It started with a local dog walker, Marni Ugar, who was walking along Dundas Street when she was affronted by a whimsical sign outside Antler that read: Venison is the new kale. From there, Ugar assembled a group of animal rights activists who vowed to stage protests once a week, seeing an opportunit­y to challenge a notion Hunter publicly supported, that meat could be ethical. Though Hunter was serving game, the protesters noted the animals were not dying in the wild; they were dying in slaughterh­ouses. This upstart activist group — which would eventually give itself the name Grassroots AntiSpecie­sism Shift (GRASS) — started making good on the promise of weekly protests when the winter wore off. Speciesism, they said, was the hypocrisy inherent in loving a dog but eating a deer.

By March, after five or so protests, Michael Hunter was fed up. He was sitting in the basement prep kitchen on a Saturday night, with the protesters outside holding a banner with “Murderer” painted in pink. Next to Hunter in the basement, there was a deer carcass. He took a hind leg from the deer and a faded plastic cutting board, walked to the front of his restaurant and on a high table overlookin­g the street, he separated meat from bone. He cut an inside round steak, went to the kitchen, cooked it and returned to eat it, staring at the protesters.

The act, covered by news outlets around the world, earned him admirers. Within days, Antler had become a place for proud meat eaters to make their pilgrimage, and Hunter was now their patron saint. They came in camouflage hats and fur coats, eager to taunt or take photos of the protesters and disappoint­ed on nights they weren’t around.

When the protesters were outside, Hunter made sure the shades were drawn in the restaurant.

“I don’t want to look at them,” Hunter told me, onto a second Blue Buck ale at the long table in his restaurant. “Guys will come in and they’re like, ‘We want the window and we want to f--k with them.’ And we’re like, ‘Sorry, you can’t’ – because we don’t want bad publicity. We don’t want a negative image.”

That, really, is why he agreed to a series of interviews. He first invited me to go foraging with him – an offer he originally extended to the vegans after the deer leg incident, though they never accepted. (Their counter-offer was to sit down and talk, which they say Hunter, in turn, never accepted.)

His foraging spot is in the woods outside Caledon, Ont., where he grew up. It was late spring. He was looking for ramps and wild ginger. Hunter, tall and in good shape with a well-kept beard, moved on and off the trail, trying to avoid stomping on the trilliums. The ramps were around, but difficult to pick out from the other slender green leaves sticking up everywhere. Finding a patch of ramps, he crouched down and carved a few out with a trowel, brushed them off and put them in his wicker basket. On the trail, he saw spadelike leaves with a purple flower — wild ginger — and pulled them out by the root. Good for ice cream, he said.

Jody Shapiro, a documentar­y filmmaker who became Hunter’s partner in the restaurant, pulled me aside on the trail. Hunter was alone, digging. Shapiro watched him, whispering that this was the whole reason he got into business with Hunter, like some kind of spiritual awakening.

“All these things I walked past my whole life,” he said later. “Suddenly the fact that there’s a name to it, that someone’s pointing it out, made me feel like I was learning a brand new language.”

The two are family, sort of. Shapiro’s stepbrothe­r is married to Hunter’s sister. Shapiro said he was drawn to cooking, in part, because its immediacy was a welcome escape from the slow, plodding process of documentar­ies. He enrolled at George Brown College, flying back to Toronto from shooting in Colombia for cooking classes. When Hunter heard about it through Shapiro’s mother, he reached out.

At the time, around 2014, Hunter was working on a book about hunting and foraging. They agreed Hunter would teach Shapiro to cook if Shapiro helped him with photograph­s for the book.

After nearly a decade climbing from grill chef to sous chef to chef de cuisine at different kitchens around Toronto, Hunter was tired of deferring to someone else. At that time, in 2014, he was executive chef at Reds Wine Tavern in the financial district. Each time he wanted to change the menu, he had to pitch it to the board of directors.

“I wanted to do a deer dish and they said ‘No way.’ I wanted to do a rabbit dish and they said ‘No way.’ ”

So Hunter and Shapiro hosted a private dinner in Shapiro’s one bedroom condo at the Thompson Hotel, serving meat Hunter shot himself – pigeon, duck, deer, squirrel.

“People loved it,” he said. “And Reds didn’t want anything to do with it .... They thought they were going to get protested because I was killing animals, basically.”

Hunter didn’t believe it. “I didn’t think it would ever happen,” he said.

“They just didn’t want any attention around hunting. They just thought that it was too sensitive. So we just thought, ‘F--k these guys.’ We’re getting all this press. They don’t want it. We should have our own restaurant, like a home for all this press to go.”

Shapiro and Hunter opened Antler, a 40-seat restaurant in a former burger joint on Dundas West. They were serving everything Hunter had been stopped from serving in his previous job — venison, bison, boar, though Ontario regulation­s dictated that all of it be farmed, not hunted.

“I was happy. It was the first time in my life I was able to cook exactly what I wanted and didn’t have anyone to answer to except the guests,” he said.

But within two years of opening, the prophecy foretold by his bosses at Reds came true. The vegans were on the sidewalk.

Hunter is somewhat reluctant to talk about his childhood, publicly at least.

When he was 18, in his last year of high school, his girlfriend was pregnant with their daughter. He went to his teachers in his final semester and told them he’d only come to class once a week. The rest of the time, he worked at an inn.

By 19, he was raising a kid, working and going to cooking school. A family friend reached out, offering to take him hunting for the first time. He shot a turkey and, more than 10 years later, still speaks vividly about eating it.

“I couldn’t believe the flavour difference between wild turkey and the big white blob you eat at Thanksgivi­ng and Christmas,” he said.

“So that’s when I got hooked.”

Sitting in Antler in June, he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts, turning it to show me the personal number for the farmer who supplies his bison, another one for duck, a fisherman on the west coast who calls when he’s got spot prawns. The farm where he gets his deer has 1,000 acres, he says — enough that it’s like animals are living in the wild. But using small producers can mean headaches. You can’t just call when you run out of deer and have another on the same day.

“I didn’t take any shortcuts in my career,” he said, “and I don’t take any shortcuts in where we get our food from.”

“I’m doing a lot of things the hard way to put out what I believe is the most ethical product I can find — and she’s telling me I’m wrong,” he says, referring to Ugar, the chief protester.

“There’s no f--king way I’m changing anything about what I do in my business — because I’m not doing anything immoral, I’m not doing anything illegal.”

The regular protests fizzled as the summer ended. Around that time, Hunter called police to report a series of Facebook posts he found threatenin­g. Police spoke to the activists at a protest, warning them that online chatter about Hunter had become the subject of a complaint. After an investigat­ion, police issued a peace bond to a protester behind one of the comments, ordering the individual to stay clear of Hunter and his restaurant.

Ugar, leader of the activist group, said it wasn’t the complaint or the subsequent interventi­on that put an end to the protests — if anything, she said, it made her persist. By early fall it was just time to move on. There were other places to protest, including a Toronto restaurant that serves horse.

“There just aren’t enough people,” she said. “It doesn’t mean that I’ ll never go back.”

Hunter isn’t keen to talk about the numbers in his restaurant, or whether the protests made him more popular. But it’s clear that Antler is busy — now a known name around Toronto, at least as the setting of that episode in March.

“You know, I’m kind of proud of it,” Hunter said. “I took a stand for myself and for the restaurant and a lot of chefs in the industry have kind of pulled me aside and said they respect what I did.”

“But yeah, I’m going to be that guy that cut up the deer leg in the window for God knows how long.”

 ??  ?? Michael Hunter says of Antler: “It was the first time in my life I was able to cook exactly what I wanted.”
Michael Hunter says of Antler: “It was the first time in my life I was able to cook exactly what I wanted.”

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