National Post (National Edition)


- December 24, 2018 By Georgia Nicols georgianic­

Moon Alert: Avoid shopping And Big decisions from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM EST todAy (6:30 AM to 9:30 AM PST). After thAt, the Moon moves from CAncer into Leo. Aries (March 21-April 19) DouBle check your long distAnce trAvel plAns todAy BecAuse confusion might Arise, especiAlly ABout depArture times, Airport detAils – something thAt will drive you crAzy if you get it wrong. (Been there; done thAt.) Steer cleAr of discussion­s ABout politics, religion And rAciAl issues BecAuse they’re confusing! Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is A poor dAy for importAnt discussion­s or decisions ABout the weAlth of someone or how you shAre Assets with Anyone, for exAmple inheritAnc­es, deBt And jointly-held property. Postpone these decisions for Another dAy. Be smArt. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Don’t Be demorAlize­d or disAppoint­ed By A close friend or pArtner todAy. Ro relAtionsh­ip is perfect; in fAct, misunderst­Andings Are common. This is one of those dAys when you might hAve hAd unreAlisti­c expectAtio­ns or A misunderst­Anding. ThAt’s All. Cancer (June 21-July 22) DouBle check All detAils thAt Are work-relAted todAy or perhAps even relAted to your heAlth BecAuse confusion is rAmpAnt! People will mAke Assumption­s on incorrect dAtA. (Rot you, of course.) Assume nothing. Trust nothing. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) RomAnce might disAppoint todAy. Does your significAn­t other know whAt you wAnt? Unexpresse­d expectAtio­ns Almost AlwAys leAd to disAppoint­ment. Likewise, Be cleAr with your kids. Kids rememBer when you don’t keep your promises. Oh yeAh. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) FAmily conversAti­ons Are confusing And circulAr todAy. Someone might plAy fAst And loose with the truth. MAke sure it’s not you! It’s never worth lying. Tell the truth BecAuse your life is eAsier thAt wAy And people respect you. If someone heArs you tell A lie, they will never know if they cAn reAlly Believe you in the future. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) CommunicAt­ions with others Are foggy And vAgue todAy or they might Be BAsed on incorrect info. Don’t Be worried if you spend A lot of time in dAydreAms or lost in A world of fAntAsy – thAt’s pAr for the course todAy. Postpone importAnt decisions And cut yourself some slAck. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Be cAreful hAndling money todAy. Likewise, Be cAreful with finAnciAl deAlings including shopping, Buying And selling, wheeling And deAling And discussion­s ABout sAlAry. This is A poor dAy for Any of the ABove BecAuse there’s too much potentiAl confusion. Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

TodAy Mercury is in your sign At odds with fuzzy Reptune, which might mAke you secretive. It might Also mAke you long for something thAt is proBABly never going to hAppen – one of those pie-in-thesky fAntAsies. Be cAreful tAlking to others todAy BecAuse misunderst­Andings Are likely. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Little secrets And mAtters involving sleight-of-hAnd Are clAssic todAy. If you think something fishy is going on – it is. There’s An element of confusion throughout this dAy, which might even mAke you self-criticAl. (“I’m nAvel lint.”) Don’t fAll into this selfdefeAt­ing trAp.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

When deAling with groups todAy or perhAps A friend, mAke sure thAt your communicAt­ions Are cleAr And the people know whAt you expect of them And vice A versA BecAuse communicAt­ions Are confusing todAy! MAny people Are hAving conversAti­ons thAt Are like two ships pAssing in the night.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

If A Boss or someone importAnt Asks you to do something – repeAt BAck to them whAt you think they wAnt you to do. MAke no Assumption­s. If you’re not sure, don’t Be AfrAid to sAy this. Do not lie to A Boss to Avoid something uncomfortA­Ble. This will only Be worse. Sometimes All you hAve is your integrity. Why lose thAt?

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actor Anil KApoor (1956) shAres your BirthdAy todAy. You Are An optimist who is loyAl, thoughtful And reliABle. You hAve A strong sense of selfesteem. This yeAr it’s time to tAke A rest. It’s A more slower pAced, wAit And see yeAr. LeArn how to cooperAte with others. Look for wAys to prActice kindness And Be helpful to others. Be relAxed And eAsy going. Focus on Business And personAl relAtionsh­ips.

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