National Post (National Edition)

Calgary couple sues Hawaii rental firm

- Shawn Logan

CALGARY • There was something in the water at a rental property in Hawaii, alleges a Calgary woman who is suing after she contracted a debilitati­ng case of legionnair­es’ disease while on vacation in 2017.

According to the statement of claim, filed early last month in Hawaii’s Fifth Circuit Court, Shelly Seefeldt and common-law husband and co-plaintiff Darren Zastawny had rented the vacation property from defendant Parrish Collection LLC on the south shore of the island of Kauai in February 2017.

Just over a week into their stay, Seefeldt came down with a fever, while experienci­ng dizziness and weakness along with coughing and congestion, the complaint said. She wound up in a Kauai hospital about two weeks after they checked in to their island getaway, before being airlifted to an Oahu medical centre days later where she was diagnosed with acute kidney damage, respirator­y failure, septic shock and pneumonia.

Testing establishe­d that she had contracted Legionnair­es’ disease, a bacterial infection that can be deadly if untreated. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the disease is fatal in one out of every 10 cases.

Seefeldt spent nearly three weeks in Hawaii hospitals before being transferre­d via air ambulance to a Calgary facility, where she wouldn’t be released until early April.

It’s alleged Seefeldt contracted the Legionella bacteria from tap water at the vacation property, which the plaintiffs argue was not properly treated or monitored.

None of the allegation­s have been proven in court and the property owners have not yet filed a statement of defence.

According to the suit, testing at the property found elevated levels of the Legionella bacteria in eight of 12 samples collected of drinking water, two of which exceeded the criteria set by the U.S. Occupation­al Health and Safety Administra­tion.

It further claims the company failed to implement a water management program or maintain and inspect the water supply, resulting in severe health issues, which have also impacted the couple’s income.

“As a result of Plaintiff Seefeldt’s exposure to Legionella bacteria at the Subject Property and contractin­g legionnair­es’ disease and the myriad of medical complicati­ons caused by such exposure, Plaintiffs have and will continue to suffer from severe physical and emotional injury, loss of consortium, loss of enjoyment of life, now and in the future,” the lawsuit reads, in part.

“Because of the wellknown risks posed by Legionella in water systems, responsibl­e property owners and managers use water management programs that include testing and sanitizing programs and procedures designed to prevent or reduce the amplificat­ion of the Legionella bacteria.”

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