National Post (National Edition)

Valour hopefuls shrug off cold in Winnipeg

Non-natives acclimatin­g in several ways

- Paul Friesen

It was 33C at Diego Gutierrez’s old home in Palestino, Chile, Wednesday. With the breeze, it “felt like” 31C.

So you have to give Gutierrez some credit for his sense of humour about his new home in Winnipeg.

Reminded he and his Valour FC teammates will be moving training camp outdoors in less than three weeks, the 21-year-old didn’t panic and run straight for the airport and a flight back home.

He laughed, instead.

“A lot of clothes, a lot of layers, and just keep running,” he said. “Don’t stand around. And stay warm.”

Gutierrez was inside the warm confines of the south Winnipeg soccer complex, speaking Spanish through an interprete­r, his teammate Nico Galvis.

Galvis, 22 next month, is originally from Bogota, Colombia, and played in the city of Pereira last season.

Even though he grew up in St. Catharines, Ont., Galvis wasn’t quite ready for what he’s experience­d since arriving for the next chapter of his soccer journey.

“I looked it up on Google before coming here, and it’s the third-coldest city in the world,” Galvis said. “So after I heard that, I knew I’m starting fresh. And when I got here it was minus-40. It’s just a big jump. I just have really dry skin from all the cold. Luckily I’m not getting sick or anything.

“But it doesn’t faze me. I’m excited to be here.”

That’s the thing about this squad of 20-plus hopefuls trying out for a brand-new team in a brand-new league in a country known more for a game played on frozen ponds.

You get the impression they’d walk barefoot through hell, or across Portage and Main for that matter, to chase their pro soccer dreams.

Not one of these players grew up dreaming of playing for a team in Winnipeg, because most years none has existed.

The internatio­nals on the team would have said, “Winne-what?”

“I would have ne ver, never imagined,” goalkeeper Mathias Janssens said.

Janssens is a 20-year-old from Belgium who’s been playing profession­ally since he was 16.

He was speaking French through his goalkeeper­s coach Patrick De Stefani, a longtime Winnipegge­r who’s also coached in Belgium.

“In Belgium, they train all year long, in 0C, minus-5 — we can handle it,” De Stefani said, speaking for Janssens.

If adjusting to the weather is a challenge, the language barrier can be, too.

Janssens lives alone in an apartment, but sits with his defenders at breakfast to work on his English. In the final minutes of a tied game, you don’t want “I’ve got it” interprete­d as “You’ve got it.”

“It’s getting better,” Janssens said.

Gutierrez uses technology to help him adjust.

Every day he takes emails about the next day’s practice plan and Google translates them to Spanish “so when we come here I have an idea of what we’re going to do.”

“He’s very quiet because he’s still working on his English. And then once he’s worked on his English, he’s got to work on mine,” head coach/gm Rob Gale said.

Of course, “football,” like hockey, has its own language, much of it unspoken. Players often instinctiv­ely know where others are going, or will go. What Gutierrez lacks in language his coach says he more than makes up for in energy and athleticis­m.

“He runs for fun,” Gale said. “He’s like the Energizer Bunny. I don’t know what he eats for breakfast because we all need some of it. He just goes and goes and goes. The lads enjoy him and the way he plays. He always wants the ball.

“The football has helped him settle in quite quickly.”

Ditto Janssens in goal, Gale pointing out one save in particular from Wednesday’s scrimmage.

“He looked like he went down and saved it with his feet in a hockey pose,” Gale said. “So he’s assimilate­d, no problem. If Paul Maurice needs one spare for the playoffs …”

Like the Jets, Gale favours a fast-paced, attacking style that puts a premium on technical ability.

Valour opens its Canadian Premier League season May 1 in B.C., with its home opener three days later.

Fielding a competitiv­e squad will depend on the team becoming a team, like in any sport.

Being embraced by the warm arms of a frozen city will probably come more quickly.

Croatian Josip Golubar, for instance, has been invited to Sunday mass by the local Croatian community.

“Very important for these lads to assimilate themselves and be out there for us in the community,” Gale said. “Weekend off, you’ll see a few enjoying Manitoba and its delights at this time of year.

“We’re hardy Manitobans, and these guys will be very shortly.”

 ?? KEVIN KING / POSTMEDIA NETWORK ?? Valour FC and Colombia-born midfielder Diego Gutierrez, centre, communicat­es with head coach Rob Gale in practice. Gutierrez has been working diligently at his English.
KEVIN KING / POSTMEDIA NETWORK Valour FC and Colombia-born midfielder Diego Gutierrez, centre, communicat­es with head coach Rob Gale in practice. Gutierrez has been working diligently at his English.

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