National Post (National Edition)


Act is supposed to target corrupt foreign officials


By some estimates, China has confined two million members of its Uyghur minority in camps where language and religion are systematic­ally suppressed, prompting fears of a vast cultural genocide.

Beijing has also detained a Canadian diplomat and businessma­n in harsh conditions, and locked up numerous local dissidents in the same type of “black jail.”

That seems exactly like the kind of behaviour contemplat­ed by Canada’s version of the Magnitsky Act, a much-heralded law that imposes sanctions on corrupt and rights-abusing foreign officials.

Yet not a single Chinese official has been listed under the legislatio­n since it was implemente­d 18 months ago.

Some experts say it’s time for that to change, despite the already toxic relationsh­ip between the two countries. They’re urging the government to look at adding People’s Republic functionar­ies to those of five other nations already targeted by the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act.

“This is the least we can do,” said Errol Mendes, a University of Ottawa law professor who believes the Uyghurs’ plight represents a “massive” crime against humanity.

“It will still no doubt attract even more repercussi­ons from China, but it’s a price we have to pay if we believe in where we stand since the Second World War — that we cannot let it happen again.”

Human Rights Watch also recommende­d in a report on the Uyghurs earlier this month that government­s use Magnitsky laws and other targeted sanctions against Beijing’s officials.

It is not just the Muslim minority who are prompting thoughts of China and the legislatio­n. In December, the Falun Gong’s Canadian branch provided Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland with a list of 14 names of individual­s it says mastermind­ed persecutio­n of that religious group.

“This is a situation for which Magnitsky was intended to be used,” said Irwin Cotler, a leading, Montreal-based human-rights lawyer and former federal justice minister. “If Chinese leaders do not hold themselves accountabl­e … at least we in Canada should be imposing visa bans, assets seizures and the like.”

Magnitsky sanctions could deliver more than just a moral sting, experts say, given evidence that many senior officials in the regime have likely transferre­d wealth to Canada.

Adam Austen, a spokesman for Freeland, said Canada has publicly and privately condemned mistreatme­nt of the Uyghurs, and will continue to raise the human rights situation in China “at every possible opportunit­y.”

But he declined to respond to questions about whether the government would actually consider wielding Magnitsky against Chinese officials.

The first Magnitsky Act was passed by the U.S. in 2012, designed initially to sanction Russian officials involved in the prison death of a lawyer investigat­ing a sweeping tax fraud.

Canada followed suit with its own law in October 2017, applying it to authoritie­s in any country complicit in “gross violations” of human rights or corruption.

The legislatio­n allows the government to freeze assets here belonging to the listed individual­s, bar them from the country and prohibit Canadians from doing business with them.

The catalogue of names now includes 30 Russians, 19 Venezuelan officials, three from South Sudan, one leader in Myanmar and 17 Saudi Arabian citizens linked to the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

But if there is relatively little at stake — economical­ly at least — in confrontin­g those places, China is a different matter. Canadian leaders have long stepped lightly around human-rights issues there, fearful of imperillin­g this country’s second-largest trading relationsh­ip.

The furious Chinese response to Canada’s arrest of Huawei Technologi­es executive Meng Wanzhou, though, has led to calls for a tougher stance, such as invoking Magnitsky.

“I think that Canadians would want their government to start showing some backbone,” said Charles Burton, a former diplomat in Beijing and China expert with Ontario’s Brock University. “My feeling is that if we showed some commitment to our values, we would gain more respect with China.”

Experts advise targeting Magnitsky sanctions at the architects of specific policies, rather than broadly censuring members of the ruling Politburo. Likely candidates include governor Shohrat Zakir of Xinjiang — the province where most Uyghurs live and where the camps have been set up — and the region’s party chief, Chen Quanguo,

Targeted sanctions could still have a significan­t impact, given the well-documented flow of Chinese cash into Canada, some of which is likely tied to government figures, said Burton, also a fellow with the Macdonald Laurier Institute.

As an example of such connection­s, he pointed to the fact that Xi’s older sister, Qi Qiaoqiao, a wealthy businesswo­man, once lived in Canada.

Uyghurs in Xinjiang are subject to an Orwellian system of surveillan­ce, but it is the camps — holding an estimated 800,000 to 2 million people — that have drawn the most attention. Chinese officials liken them to “boarding schools,” providing vocational training and discouragi­ng extremism. Former internees, however, say occupants are compelled to renounce Islam and embrace the Communist leadership.


 ?? KEVIN FRAYER / GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? An Uyghur family prays at the grave of a loved one during the Corban Festival in 2016 at a cemetery in Turpan County, in Xinjiang province, China. The region is home to roughly half of the country’s 23 million Muslims.
KEVIN FRAYER / GETTY IMAGES FILES An Uyghur family prays at the grave of a loved one during the Corban Festival in 2016 at a cemetery in Turpan County, in Xinjiang province, China. The region is home to roughly half of the country’s 23 million Muslims.

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