National Post (National Edition)

Rock slide leads to chinook fishing restrictio­ns


VANCOUVER • A major rock slide in British Columbia’s Fraser River has prompted new restrictio­ns to recreation­al and First Nations fishing of chinook salmon, as officials scramble to prevent long-term devastatio­n of the population.

The slide in a remote area near Big Bar, northwest of Kamloops in the Interior, has created a five-metre waterfall that is blocking all but a small percentage of roughly hundreds of thousands of chinook from migrating upstream to spawn.

The measures announced Friday represent an “unquestion­ably difficult” decision in terms of the impacts on First Nations communitie­s and on recreation­al fish harvesters, said Andrew Thomson, a regional director with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

“The potential for permanent loss of these chinook population­s represents a greater threat to the livelihood­s of all those who depend on salmon for sustenance and economic opportunit­y as well as for the wildlife that depend on them as a food source,” he said.

Thomson said the department will implement a new maximum size limit of 80 centimetre­s for chinook retention in areas where chinook fishing was set to open on Monday.

He said the measure will help protect larger chinook that are having greater success making it past the rock slide area. The decision will be reassessed at the end of July, when the vast majority of chinook should have migrated past these areas into the Fraser River, he said.

Owen Bird, executive director of the Sport Fishing Institute of B.C., said he was “bewildered” by the new restrictio­ns.

“The fish, indeed, are for the most part in the river. ... It’s not really a defensible action on scientific grounds.”

Thomson also said the department is also working with First Nations to minimize chinook harvests above the slide site in order to ensure the maximum possible number of chinook that managed to pass through the barrier successful­ly reach their spawning grounds.

The measures fall short of what some First Nations and conservati­on groups had called for, but Thomson said the department wanted to take a balanced approach that protected chinook while still allowing recreation­al harvest to open on Monday.

The federal department and the B.C. government have been at the site since late June assessing the impact and trying to find a solution. They’ve installed acoustic monitoring equipment to get a sense of how many salmon are impacted because the muddy, turbulent water makes it difficult to count.

Experts are considerin­g options, including reducing the height of the falls or providing passage for fish through engineerin­g and rock work. Another would be moving the fish by truck from below the slide to above it, but the area is remote and has little road access.

Vincent Bryan, a Washington-based innovator behind a possible solution known as a “salmon cannon,” said the problem is urgent because the fish will start arriving en masse in August and by the middle of that month there will be a million or more sockeye backed up.

Bryan’s company has created a flexible, pressurize­d tube that moves fish over obstructio­ns and he’s been at the rock slide site assessing how the system could work.

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