National Post (National Edition)

Trump claims victory after Mueller hearings

Ex-counsel clear president was not exonerated


WASHINGTON • Former special counsel Robert Mueller emphasized on Wednesday he had not exonerated Donald Trump of obstructio­n of justice, as the president has claimed, but his long-awaited congressio­nal testimony did little to add momentum to any Democratic impeachmen­t ambitions and Trump heartily declared victory.

In a day of sometimes dramatic high-stakes political theatre, the former FBI director answered questions publicly for the first time on his investigat­ion, with Democrats and Republican­s taking familiar positions at a time of deep partisan divisions in the United States.

Mueller faced a rapid-fire succession of questions and sometimes struggled with his answers or sidesteppe­d queries in hearings that lasted seven hours from start to finish.

The marathon televised hearings apparently left Democrats who control the House of Representa­tives no closer to launching the impeachmen­t process to try to remove Trump even as he seeks re-election in 2020.

Mueller, for his part, refused to discuss the “impeachmen­t issue.”

Mueller spent 22 months investigat­ing what he concluded was Russian interferen­ce in a “sweeping and systematic fashion” in the 2016 U.S. election to help Trump as well as the president’s actions to impede the inquiry.

Mueller defended the inquiry’s integrity under repeated attacks by Trump’s conservati­ve Republican allies during the hearings before the House Judiciary and Intelligen­ce committees.

Democrats who wanted Mueller to bolster their case for impeachmen­t or provide game-changing testimony about the president, and Republican­s who wanted to show that the investigat­ion was a politicall­y motivated hit job on Trump engineered by his enemies, may have come away frustrated.

Mueller, a reluctant witness who appeared only after being subpoenaed, often gave terse responses like “I can’t speak to that,” “I’m not going to get into that,” and “It is beyond my purview,” or merely referred lawmakers to the text of his 448-page investigat­ive report.

The Judiciary Committee’s Democratic chairman, Jerrold Nadler, said Mueller had endured “repeated and grossly unfair personal attacks” and that no one, including Trump, was “above the law.” The Intelligen­ce Committee’s Democratic chairman, Adam Schiff, accused Trump’s 2016 campaign of “disloyalty to country” for inviting, encouragin­g and making full use of Russian election meddling.

Republican lawmakers tried to paint Mueller’s investigat­ion as unfair to the president, with Louie Gohmert telling the decorated Vietnam War veteran and longtime federal prosecutor: “You perpetuate­d injustice,” and Guy Reschentha­ler calling the manner in which the inquiry was conducted “un-American.”

“Welcome, everyone, to the last gasp of the Russian collusion conspiracy theory,” said Devin Nunes, the Intelligen­ce Committee’s top Republican.

Mueller’s report, released in redacted form on April 18, did not reach a conclusion on whether Trump committed the crime of obstructio­n of justice with his actions aimed at underminin­g the inquiry, but did not exonerate him. The report also said the inquiry found insufficie­nt evidence to establish that Trump and his campaign had engaged in a criminal conspiracy with Russia.

Trump has said the Mueller inquiry resulted in the president’s “complete and total exoneratio­n.”

“Did you actually totally exonerate the president?” Nadler asked Mueller during the first hearing.

“No,” Mueller replied. Mueller testified that his inquiry was conducted in “a fair and independen­t manner” and that members of the special counsel’s team “were of the highest integrity.”

Mueller explicitly testified that the investigat­ion was neither a witch hunt nor hoax.

Asked about Trump’s past comments praising WikiLeaks — the web - site that published stolen Democratic emails the inquiry found were hacked by Russians to harm Trump’s election opponent Hillary Clinton — Mueller said: “‘Problemati­c’ is an understate­ment.”

“Let me say one more thing,” Mueller said. “Over the course of my career, I have seen a number of challenges to our democracy. The Russian government’s effort to interfere with our election is among the most serious.”


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