National Post (National Edition)



SAN JUAN Puerto Rico’s legislatur­e has begun an impeachmen­t process against Governor Ricardo Rossello after an investigat­ion into leaked chat messages found crimes may have been committed during the conversati­ons, a senior legislator said on Wednesday.

Rossello, a first-term governor for the U.S. territory, has resisted calls to step down over a scandal dubbed “Rickyleaks.” Media, including El Nuevo Día newspaper, cited unnamed sources as saying his resignatio­n was imminent.

“The impeachmen­t process has started,” said Johnny Mendez, speaker of Puerto Rico’s House of Representa­tives and a member of Rossello’s party who was targeted in the chats.

An independen­t panel of lawyers commission­ed by Mendez to investigat­e the offensive messages found four felonies and one misdemeano­ur may have been committed during the Telegram message group chats, one of the lawyers, Luis Rodríguez-Rivera, said in an email.

The governor, who is serving in his first elected office, is weighing his political future after almost two weeks of protests demanding his resignatio­n, his spokesman Anthony Maceira said in a text message.

A string of Rossello’s closest aides have stepped down as prosecutor­s investigat­ed the scandal. The governor’s chief of staff Ricardo Llerandi resigned on Tuesday, citing concerns for the safety of his family.

The protests in the capital San Juan were spurred by the publicatio­n on July 13 of chat messages on the messaging app Telegram, in which Rossello and aides used profane language to describe female politician­s and gay Puerto Rican celebritie­s, including Ricky Martin.


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