National Post (National Edition)

Weird science

Inventor Nikola Tesla — he was cool


There’s a scene in the new film The Current War where we find Nikola Tesla at his lowest ebb. It’s 1886, and the inventor’s Tesla Electric Light and Manufactur­ing company has dropped both his name and the man himself, leaving him penniless.

In a contemptuo­us southern drawl, one investor tells him: “Ain’t never gonna be anything named Tesla ever again.”

At an early screening, the line prompted a few laughs. From Elon Musk’s US$30-billion electric-car business to the U.S. rock band Tesla (15 million albums sold), the eccentric Serbian inventor continues to cast a long shadow.

Tesla played the deciding role in the tussle between Thomas Edison and George Westinghou­se. Edison’s preferred system of low voltage direct current (DC) could power both lights and motors, but petered out over long distances. Westinghou­se’s high voltage alternatin­g current (AC) could span the miles, but couldn’t be used for much other than lighting. It was Tesla’s greatest invention — the induction motor — that boosted AC’s capabiliti­es, allowing it to be used to power everything from trams to sewing machines, and laid the foundation­s for today’s national grid.

A lifelong bachelor who probably suffered from OCD, Tesla cut a curious figure. Germaphobi­c, 6 foot 2 and pencil-thin, he dressed fastidious­ly in formal wear, and felt everyone should take the same care over their appearance. (He once sacked a secretary for being overweight.) He loved literature, music, fine food and billiards, and was a bit of a showman; at public demonstrat­ions, he used to make bulbs light up by holding them while running an electric current through his body.

Tesla’s scathing comments about Edison shortly after his death reveal their difference­s: “He had no hobby, cared for no sort of amusement of any kind and lived in utter disregard of the most elementary rules of hygiene.”

Tesla didn’t have Westinghou­se’s business acumen, or Edison’s ability to see ideas through. What he did have was a quality that no scientific instrument can measure: he was cool. It’s telling that, until The Current War (where he is played by Nicholas Hoult), the inventor’s bestknown film portrayal came from an other-worldly David Bowie in The Prestige.

An aura of mystique hangs around Tesla’s life, making him an irresistib­le figure to a certain type of left-field artist. “He’s more of an artist than a scientist, in some strange way,” says Terry Gilliam in Mechanical Figures, a film about the scientist currently being shown at a Tesla exhibition in Zagreb.

“Tesla is always on the border of magic,” artist Marina Abramovic enthuses. “One of the things that took me off my feet was this ability of his to see his inventions like three-dimensiona­l images.”

It’s an ability highlighte­d in The Current War, when Hoult’s Tesla gives a lecture on the AC motor — which, lacking money and resources, he hasn’t actually built. Nor does he see why he should have to build one just to satisfy the skeptics. “I have built it in my imaginatio­n,” he tuts. “It’s perfect.”

Aside from the motor, Tesla, who died in 1943, made improvemen­ts to radio technology (devoted fans think he deserves more credit than Marconi for this), invented a new type of arc lamp and may have taken the first X-ray image. With Westinghou­se, he built the world’s first hydroelect­ric power plant.

“Tesla gave us so much, and nobody knows,” Gilliam says. “Suddenly there’s a crack, and people fall through.”

This idea that his genius is largely unacknowle­dged also makes him attractive to dreamers and cranks. In his later years, Tesla displayed similar oddball qualities, working on never-realized plans for an electric “deathray” and a system of worldwide wireless electricit­y. A bemused Telegraph article from 1901 reported on Tesla’s attempts to communicat­e with Mars. “I already have an instrument of sufficient delicacy to receive their messages,” he boasted.

But, for all his quirks, Tesla’s earlier achievemen­ts make him an inspiratio­nal figure. Westinghou­se may have been the “winner” in the war of the currents, but there won’t be many rock bands named after him.

The Daily Telegraph

 ?? BETTMANN / CORBIS ?? Serbian-born inventor Nikola Tesla (1857-1943) in 1915. Tesla is the subject of a new movie, The Current War.
BETTMANN / CORBIS Serbian-born inventor Nikola Tesla (1857-1943) in 1915. Tesla is the subject of a new movie, The Current War.

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