National Post (National Edition)




One of the unmistakab­le take-aways of the 2015 federal election was that left-leaning Canadian voters were relatively united in their vote. The Liberal Party of Canada won 184 seats (a gain of 148 seats) and the NDP clinched 44 seats, losing much of its political dominance in Quebec. The Green Party, not unlike previous elections, won just one seat — that of party leader Elizabeth May.

With just over two weeks to go before Canadians cast their ballots again, there remains much confusion over how exactly those who lean left intend to vote this time around. Most polls are projecting just over a third of voters to vote Liberal, 15 per cent to vote for the NDP, and 10 per cent for the Greens. Although climate, health care and affordabil­ity rank as major concerns for voters on both ends of the political spectrum, there has been no clear-cut ballot-box issue on the left, one that could potentiall­y unite progressiv­e voters.

David Coletto, CEO of the polling firm Abacus Data, believes that the Liberals' 2015 sweep was essentiall­y a vote for change. “Trudeau projected hope and change. There is nothing quite binding the non-conservati­ve vote this time,” he says.

Strategist­s are calling this the “splinterin­g” of the progressiv­e vote, attributed in part to growing awareness and interest in climate issues (and the subsequent associatio­n of the Green Party with that cause) and to some extent, a broader dissatisfa­ction with Justin Trudeau's projection as a champion of liberal causes versus his execution of them.

“This election is a cloud of gas. It really lacks definition. Most of the emotion in this campaign is on the right and it is because of their disenchant­ment with Trudeau. The left is still a bit confused,” said Darrell Bricker, chief executive of polling firm Ipsos Public Affairs.

“If you're a progressiv­e voter, you have three options: the Liberals, the NDP and the Green Party. If you're a progressiv­e voter and you're disappoint­ed with the Liberals, you will consider the Greens or the NDP. If you find the NDP wanting, that makes the Greens look interestin­g, so it essentiall­y all starts with dissatisfa­ction of the incumbent.”

Is the Green Party eating into the New Democratic base?

Coletto says his own numbers display a more nuanced story about the battle for the left, specifical­ly between the NDP and the Green Party. “What's important to note is that the Greens are actually pulling far more votes from the Liberal Party than from the NDP,” he said.

Approximat­ely 57 per cent of current Green Party supporters say they would not consider voting for the NDP, according to an Abacus Data poll. In fact, roughly 50 per cent of those who currently categorize themselves as supporters of the Green Party, voted for the Liberals in 2015.

“The Greens are not hurting the NDP very much at all. What's hurting the NDP is their vote from last time has splintered into multiple different directions … part of it has gone to the Liberals, and part of them have gone to the Greens and a sizable group have gone to the Conservati­ves,” Colleto said.

Political strategist Brad Lavigne, of Counsel Public Affairs, who was formerly director of communicat­ions for the NDP, says that looking at the progressiv­e vote as a fight between the NDP and the Greens is a “myth that should be debunked”. “I submit to you that as the Greens gain popularity, they are disproport­ionately taking votes away from the Liberals. If you eliminate the Greens as an option today, you would likely see that support go back home to the Liberal Party.”

But an Angus Reid poll conducted in late September, after Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg told Trudeau he's not doing enough to protect the environmen­t, showed that half of uncommitte­d Liberal voters (54 per cent) said that the NDP would be their Plan B. Equally important — 53 per cent of Green supporters also said the NDP would be their Plan B, further illustrati­ng the confusion on the left.

Bricker's own polling numbers indicate that the biggest group of mobile voters on the left that would consider switching up their votes this time around are those who are deciding between the Liberals and NDP. “Jagmeet (Singh) needs to take something from the Greens, and a lot from the Liberals,” Bricker concludes.

How progressiv­e is the Green Party, really?

Some on the left, particular­ly those affiliated with the NDP, argue that categorizi­ng the Greens as a progressiv­e party is a misconcept­ion to begin with. “Progressiv­es need to question anybody that is taking three days out of a news cycle to figure out what their position is on abortion in Canada,” Lavigne said.

Indeed, one of the first signs that the party was grappling with its own stance on issues other than climate was when May struggled to clarify her position on abortion. She first said she wouldn't control how her MPs might vote on abortion, but then backed away from that statement, saying instead that they would risk being ousted from the party if they reopened the abortion debate. May previously had said she personally believed in a woman's right to an abortion.

The party also has been criticized for having the least diverse block of candidates — within 24 hours of the writ drop, a Green Party candidate was ousted over an old social-media post where he suggested sending a pig carcass to Muslims in Denmark.

And then there was the incident of former NDP MP Pierre Nantel, who was ousted by the party at the start of campaign season after he was revealed to be in talks with the Greens. Previously, Nantel, who defines himself as a separatist, had criticized NDP leader Jagmeet Singh over his use of religious symbols. Nantel subsequent­ly found his political home with the Greens.

“The minute you step away from the environmen­t, the Green Party runs into trouble very quickly,” Lavigne said.

“It was the Green Party in British Columbia that opposed progressiv­e labour legislatio­n, relatively recently,” said Rick Smith, former chief of staff to the late NDP leader Jack Layton and the executive director of the left-leaning Broadbent Institute. The Green Party in B.C. joined forces with the Liberals to oppose a reform to the province's labour code which critics said would tilt the legislatio­n in favour of unions, he said.

“They have an aura of progressiv­e values but if you look at their policies, they really aren't very progressiv­e,” Smith said.

Jonathan Dickie, lead campaign strategist for the Green Party says that the NDP is going hard at convincing its own voter base that the Greens are not a progressiv­e party, because they fear that NDP voters are turning Green. “But right now, one of the places we are gaining voters is people who don't support any main party, not the NDP or Liberals or Conservati­ves.”

The Green Party's own slogan refrains from defining the organizati­on as either left or right. “We are definitely a round peg — holistic, intergener­ational and planetary. Our round peg does not fit well in the old 19th Century square hole of 'left wing' or 'right wing'.” But then, in rhetoric similar to Bernie Sanders and the British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, it adds: “The real divide of the 21st century is not of left versus right, but insiders (the one per cent) versus the rest of us.”

Perhaps that progressiv­e sentiment of recognizin­g that the status quo is far from ideal, is what compels voters to define the Greens as a leftist organizati­on of sorts. “If you hear Elizabeth May talk, you would assume she's a progressiv­e. She describes herself as one,” Coletto said. “Demonize the Conservati­ves to marginaliz­e the NDP”

While the left-leaning vote might still be fissured between multiple parties, Bricker posits that the Liberal strategy remains exactly the same as it has been for decades: “demonize the Conservati­ves to marginaliz­e the NDP”. In other words, rally the left to unite over their contempt for the Tories. “It suppresses the likelihood that the NDP and the Greens will end up having many MPs in the House,” he said.

Bricker also believes that the Green Party tends to poll better than they actually perform, which could end up having the effect of uniting the progressiv­e vote on polling day.

Coletto, to some extent, shares a similar sentiment. “We are not the U.S. in 2016. People aren't overly satisfied with the current government, but they are also not in the mood to kind of throw away all inhibition­s and vote for someone they don't quite trust,” he said.

“I don't think the electorate is ready to jump into the big bold ideas that the NDP and Greens are offering.”

 ?? KEVIN LIGHT / REUTERS ?? Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, Green Party Leader Elizabeth May and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh are all courting many of the same progressiv­e voters, with no single standout issue emerging to unite the left-leaning majority in Canada and pollsters struggling to pinpoint exactly how this election is going to turn out.
KEVIN LIGHT / REUTERS Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, Green Party Leader Elizabeth May and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh are all courting many of the same progressiv­e voters, with no single standout issue emerging to unite the left-leaning majority in Canada and pollsters struggling to pinpoint exactly how this election is going to turn out.

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