National Post (National Edition)

‘Angels’ sculptor asset to Canada, public art


It’s not every day that a sculptor gets his work installed, even temporaril­y, in St. Peter’s Square, the masterpiec­e of Gian Lorenzo Bernini, the master sculptor of his age. Indeed, it’s not even every century. Yet last Sunday, a Canadian sculptor from St. Jacobs, Ont., was given that high honour.

Timothy Schmalz has been sculpting for more than 25 years, but came to widespread public knowledge with his sculpture “Homeless Jesus,” which depicts a homeless person sleeping on a bench. It’s so lifelike that many people have mistaken it for someone in need of aid and have approached to help. Only when drawing closer it is evident that the feet are exposed, scarred by the nail marks of the crucifixio­n. It is Jesus — to use the haunting phrase of Mother Teresa of Calcutta — in the “distressin­g disguise of the poor.”

“Homeless Jesus” was first installed at Regis College in Toronto and now is found at dozens of churches all around the world. I was pleased in 2015 to play a minor role in facilitati­ng its installati­on at the papal office that dispenses practical charity to the poor and homeless inside the Vatican City.

Schmalz has been commission­ed to do monumental sculptures across Canada, including a firefighte­rs’ memorial, a veterans’ memorial and public installati­ons honouring Gordie Howe and Gordon Lightfoot.

A favourite of mine is a sculpture for the fourth centenary of the arrival of Samuel de Champlain in Penetangui­shene Bay, on the southeaste­rn tip of Lake Huron’s Georgian Bay. It is a traditiona­l bronze sculpture of recognizab­le people and evocative symbols, not an amalgam of abstract angles and shapes that leave the viewer confused. At the same time, it breaks with the traditiona­l depiction of Aboriginal people in Champlain sculptures as conquered peoples or inferior beings. In Schmalz’s “Meeting,” Bear Tribe Chief Aenon of the HuronWenda­t Nation meets Champlain as an equal, the two men beholding each other in a serious and respectful manner. Indeed, Aenon is presenting Champlain with a wampum belt, a sign of hospitalit­y and concord.

The sculpture goes further though, in taking seriously that the encounter in Penetangui­shene was between cultures animated by profound spiritual values. The sculpture includes on Champlain’s side the Christian symbols of the Holy Trinity; and is complement­ed on Aenon’s side by the “three sisters” carrying corn, squash and beans, indication­s of a people sustained by the spiritual forces of the natural world. Likewise, the Champlain side includes depictions of the French explorers accompanie­d by Jesuit missionari­es. The Aenon side shows the Aboriginal creation story of the world existing on the back of a snapping turtle, with a mother and a newborn at the centre, a sign of the matriarcha­l dimension of Huron culture. Aenon is clad in a noble bearskin; Champlain’s breastplat­e includes a crucifix.

The Vatican commission­ed Schmalz to do a sculpture stressing the emphasis of Pope Francis on welcoming migrants and refugees. He responded with a massive work, including 140 figures representi­ng migrants and refugees throughout history — Poles escaping communism, Syrians on the run from Assad. Weighing in at 3.5 tons, the bronze figures are exquisitel­y sculpted, right down to the details of period attire and facial features. In the midst of the teeming mass arise a pair of angelic wings, suggesting that angels are in their midst.

The inspiratio­n was Hebrews 13:2, that in offering hospitalit­y to strangers we may entertain “Angels Unawares,” as is the title of the work. I have come to know Timothy through his work, and count him as a friend. I know that his art originates not only in his imaginatio­n, but in his prayer.

For Timothy’s work to be installed in St. Peter’s Square is a high honour for him and for Canada. But it is also a favourable sign for those who care about public art. There is a reason that Bernini’s sculptures still draw admirers more than 400 years after his birth. It is not just because of their beauty, but because they are explicitly public. Bernini was a genius, but also had the humility to sculpt in a manner that effectivel­y told a story to the public who would encounter his work. To the contrary, generation­s of lesser artists have been infected with an arrogance that considers it a compliment if ordinary people find their work completely incomprehe­nsible, or even nonsensica­l.

Schmalz — whether sculpting the national mining monument or the origins of the Métis nation — respects his audience enough to present a story that informs and inspires. That he treats religious themes puts him farther afield from the artistic establishm­ent, but closer to the public that considers religious matters a normal part of ordinary life.

Pilgrims in Rome are blessed to view “Angels Unawares” as Pope Francis did last Sunday. Canadians are more blessed, as we can see Timothy’s work permanentl­y installed across the land.



 ?? VATICAN MEDIA / VIA REUTERS ?? Pope Francis attended the unveiling of the sculpture commemorat­ing migrants and refugees entitled Angels Unawares by Canadian artist Timothy Schmaltz in St Peter’s Square in Vatican City on Sept. 29. The artist
from St. Jacobs, Ont., created a massive work featuring 140 figures and weighing in at 3.5 tons.
VATICAN MEDIA / VIA REUTERS Pope Francis attended the unveiling of the sculpture commemorat­ing migrants and refugees entitled Angels Unawares by Canadian artist Timothy Schmaltz in St Peter’s Square in Vatican City on Sept. 29. The artist from St. Jacobs, Ont., created a massive work featuring 140 figures and weighing in at 3.5 tons.

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