National Post (National Edition)

You broke us, now rule


The morning after the 2015 election, Canada was at peace with itself. The country wanted a change in tone after the astringenc­y of the Harper years. Even Conservati­ves acknowledg­ed they had run out of steam. Justin Trudeau personifie­d the sense of optimism and exhilarati­on.

How different October 22, 2019, feels – more like the morning after a bitter argument with your spouse. The Liberals have eked out a minority government but lost the popular vote. The party ceded 27 seats from the 184 it won four years earlier, net losers in every province of the country except Prince Edward Island. There are no Liberal MPs left in Alberta or Saskatchew­an and Trudeau was rebuffed in Quebec, where he had hoped to make major gains. It was only by holding the line in Ontario, where the Liberals lost just one seat, that the party was able to retain power. Assuming a turnout of around 60 per cent, this Liberal government was re-elected with the support of only one in five Canadians eligible to vote.

Trudeau looked relieved but chastened in his victory speech. He acknowledg­ed that Canadians in Alberta and Saskatchew­an were unhappy with the direction he is taking the country. “I’ve heard your frustratio­ns. Let’s work hard to keep our country together,” he said, adding he will govern for everyone, regardless of how they cast their ballot. He said the same thing in 2015. This time he has to act on his fine words.

Trudeau told reporters at a stop in Fredericto­n in the final week of the campaign that his biggest regret is the polarizati­on and divisions that have deepened since the last election. “I wonder how, or if, I could have made sure we were pulling Canadians together,” he said. One way to do that would be to go to Alberta and Saskatchew­an and pledge publicly that the Trans Mountain pipeline will not be a bargaining chip in a minority government. He suggested that was the case in another exchange with reporters last week, when he said his government made a decision to move forward with TMX in the national interest and invest the profits in green energy. “That’s what we are going to continue to do,” he said.

Trudeau would have dearly loved to surpass his father’s record by winning back-to- back majorities. But this is a result he would have grasped the day after the blackface controvers­y erupted.

The night the news broke, he sounded defensive, lamenting the decline in the body politic. “If everyone going to stand for office has to demonstrat­e every step of their lives, there is going to be a shortage of people running for office,” he said on his campaign plane — a message that might have resonated more effectivel­y if the Liberals hadn’t been so active in hounding Conservati­ve candidates from running for past transgress­ions.

It was the wrong thing to say and the next day saw him strike a more apologetic tone.

There were internal discussion­s about the wisdom of sending the leader into old market square in Winnipeg to beg for forgivenes­s. Some of his advisers felt it was too risky. But wearing a hair-shirt in public proved to be right strategy and the issue faded from the short memories of voters within a few days.

The Liberals ran a tightly-scripted campaign focused on talking points from which the leader scarcely wavered. A campaign team that had won before made decisions which often appeared to make little sense yet always had a purpose — for example, holding a poorly-attended rally in Jagmeet Singh’s riding of Burnaby South that was aimed at forcing the NDP to redeploy resources to the leader’s constituen­cy.

The one tactical error in hindsight was agreeing to the TVA French debate, which gave Bloc Québécois Leader Yves-François Blanchet a platform he would not otherwise have had.

Trudeau got stronger as the crowds got bigger in the final week of the campaign. A pivotal moment was when he ditched his teleprompt­er at a big rally in Montreal, after a flat performanc­e in Halifax the night before. Just before he took the stage, he turned to staff and said: “I’m going to give ’er.”

Trudeau will now look to govern on an ad hoc basis with the help of Jagmeet Singh. No wonder the NDP leader was as happy as a dog with a stick during his post-election appearance, despite losing nearly half his caucus. Veteran New Democrats say the party had more influence in the 2008 Harper minority with 37 seats than it did post-2011 when its seat count rocketed to 103 in Harper’s majority. From that point of view, you could appreciate the glee with which the crowd in Burnaby chanted: “Tax the rich”, and the mirth with which Singh responded: “That’s exactly what we’re going to do”. One doubts 18 of the party’s former MPs, who are now looking for work, saw the funny side.

Andrew Scheer gave the best speech of his entire campaign as he conceded. Perhaps it was motivated by the sense that his coat is hanging on a wobbly peg. The Conservati­ves added four seats in Alberta, eight in B.C., two in Manitoba, three in New Brunswick , one in Nova Scotia, three in Ontario and four in Saskatchew­an. It lost two in Quebec. But by reining in a first-term majority government to a minority, Scheer had every right to make the claim that the Conservati­ves represent a “government in waiting”.

There was much to like about what he said. He pointed out that Stephen Harper reduced Paul Martin’s majority to a minority in 2004 and then went on to lead a Conservati­ve government for a decade. “This is how it starts, this is the first step,” he said.

Scheer lamented the new divisions in the country, with the resurgence of the Bloc Québécois, and the vulnerabil­ity of the public finances to an economic downturn.

But he said conservati­ve values will get the country back on track — a belief in people, not government; a firm commitment to freedom of speech, thought and religion; a belief in free markets, balanced budgets and small government as the best way to create prosperity; an undertakin­g to build a country where hard work is rewarded, not punished, “and the government realizes that the best way to get ahead is to lift people up, not tear people down”.

It was a stirring rallying cry but the reality is that the Conservati­ve Party lost an election it could have won, in part because its leader is out of kilter with the prevailing mood in the country’s most seatrich province.

Scheer won just 36 seats, with 33.2 per cent of the vote, in Ontario, compared to 79 seats and 41.4 per cent for the Liberals. “Why should we be surprised that Ontario didn’t vote for a prooil, pro-life, anti-gay American?” asked one Conservati­ve, playing devil’s advocate. That’s harsh but it reflects the way many people in Ontario view Scheer. If he cannot deepen the pool of accessible voters, it’s hard to see how the result will be any different the next time.

Harper won in 2006 because he learned the lessons from 2004. Scheer needs to do the same.

The immediate future will be dominated by questions about how Trudeau intends to navigate the shoals and reefs of minority government.

On what would have been his father’s 100th birthday last Friday, Trudeau fils recounted Pierre’s advice when encounteri­ng choppy waters in a canoe: “Sing louder and paddle harder.”

Let’s hope the elder Trudeau also passed on some guidance about how to extract the maximum number of votes from the NDP, while making the minimum number of concession­s.

 ?? SEAN KILPATRICK / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, seen here Tuesday waiting to greet commuters at a metro station in Montreal, got stronger as crowds got bigger in the final week of the campaign, John Ivison writes.
SEAN KILPATRICK / THE CANADIAN PRESS Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, seen here Tuesday waiting to greet commuters at a metro station in Montreal, got stronger as crowds got bigger in the final week of the campaign, John Ivison writes.

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