National Post (National Edition)


With advances in genetic manipulati­on leading to three-parent children, it’s not just kids asking,


‘Where do babies come from?’

In science fiction, designer babies never end well. From Frankenste­in to Brave New World, Gattaca and Blade Runner, attempts to geneticall­y engineer humans result in disastrous social and political consequenc­es, if not outright bloodshed. Perhaps the only thing worse than geneticall­y engineerin­g humans is geneticall­y engineerin­g velocirapt­ors. The moral of the story is always the same: It’s best not to mess with the facts of life.

And so it’s understand­able why so many people might be a little wary, if not downright terrified, of attempts to alter human DNA. Visions of perfectly symmetrica­l children with Kylie Jenner lips, Gisele Bundchen hair and Mark Zuckerberg brains ruling over an underclass of geneticall­y unedited plebs dance in our heads.

Enter the latest developmen­t in reproducti­ve technology: three-parent children. Three-person IVF, also referred to as mitochondr­ial replacemen­t therapy (MRT), is a procedure that replaces a future baby’s mitochondr­ial DNA with that of a third party.

Humans have two types of DNA in their cells. The majority reside in a cell’s nucleus, but a small amount is found in the mitochondr­ia. Mitochondr­ial DNA is only passed on by mothers because it’s transmitte­d through the egg. MRT takes the nuclear DNA from one woman’s egg and transplant­s into another woman’s un-nucleated egg. This can happen before or after fertilizat­ion.

Since the procedure replaces DNA outside of the nucleus, mitochondr­ial replacemen­t isn’t considered gene editing, but rather genetic manipulati­on. The resulting child still contains over 99 per cent of the traditiona­l mother’s and father’s DNA, with a teensy-tiny amount of a third woman’s DNA.

This is a potential game-changer for mothers at risk of passing on mitochondr­ial DNA mutations that can cause severe genetic diseases. We’re not talking about minor health problems; these conditions are devastatin­g for both sufferers and their families and are estimated to affect one out of every 5,000 births.

One such disease is Leigh syndrome, a neurologic­al disorder characteri­zed by the loss of mental and movement abilities that typically results in death within two to three years. Another, myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fibres (MERRF), affects the muscles and nervous system and can cause recurrent seizures, difficulty coordinati­ng movements, loss of sensation and dementia.

In a more recent developmen­t, MRT has also been heralded as a way for lesbian couples to have a child sharing both parents’ DNA. While their genetic contributi­ons would not be equal, they would both be present.

However, MRT is a hotbed for biological, ethical and legal debate. Scientists and doctors are still unsure how safe it is or what the long-term side effects may be. There are issues surroundin­g consent, and of course there’s also the fear this will open the floodgates for more gene manipulati­on and editing, paving the path for true designer babies. When a three-parent child has children of his or her own, their DNA will be passed on affecting generation­s to come.

“What kind of impact will this have on the child? What types of questions is this child going to have? How are we going to provide the child with those answers? Is it safe?” asks Sherry Levitan, a Toronto-based fertility lawyer who sits on the board of directors of the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society (CFAS).

MRT is not the only way parents with mitochondr­ial disease can have children without passing on the risk. “There are easier ways,” says Levitan. “You could use donor eggs. You could use another embryo. But this is the only way the child could be related to both of the intended parents.”

Going even further, the procedure prompts us to ask how important genetic kinship actually is: Does it outweigh medical, ethical and legal concerns? And if we decide it overrides health and ethical concerns, what does that say about families who don’t share DNA among all their members? Are they de facto “lesser-than” in the eyes of society?

Currently, MRT is illegal in Canada under the 2004 federal Assisted Human Reproducti­on Act, which bans altering the genome of a cell of a human being in a way that the alteration is capable of being transmitte­d to descendant­s.

In 2016, the first three-parent child was born in Mexico under the care of Dr. John Zhang and his team at the New Hope Fertility Center in New York City. The child’s mother carried mitochondr­ia with mutations that can cause Leigh syndrome, which resulted in the deaths of her first two children. The procedure and birth took place in Mexico because MRT is also illegal in the U.S.

“Interestin­gly, it isn’t banned in the U.S. for medical, legal or ethical reasons. The FDA banned MRT because of funding limits put on it by congress,” says Levitan. In 2016, after a two-year study, the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) decided MRT was ethically permissibl­e and granted approval for human research on MRT to move forward. However, in their decision, NAM referred to MRT as a “heritable genetic modificati­on.” This put it in violation of congressio­nal funding restrictio­ns, and the FDA subsequent­ly banned it. The research can’t be legally conducted in the U.S. because it can’t be legally funded.

In the U.K., the therapy was legalized in 2015, but medical facilities must be granted a licence to perform the treatment and can only be used by people with severe mitochondr­ial disease to avoid passing the condition onto their offspring. MRT is unregulate­d in Ukraine, where fertility researcher Valery Zukin continues to experiment with using three-parent IVF to solve infertilit­y.

“There haven’t been any documented side effects so far, but because this is a new technology, we can’t be certain,” explains Stacey Hume, a molecular geneticist and associate professor in medical genetics at the University of Alberta. “We won’t really know until these children grow up and have undergone studies years later to find out if they’re still healthy.”

Many experts, including Hume, feel it’s time for Canada to re-examine the Assisted Human Reproducti­on Act. “Does it make sense in an area that’s developing and changing so quickly that we be reliant on a 15-year-old piece of legislatio­n? No. There should be some mechanism for change and updating,” agrees Levitan. “We have some wonderful scientists in this country, and if they were to make some pleas to the powers that be, I think the government would be open to it.”

In terms of fears surroundin­g designer babies, Hume calls them unfounded. “The technique is very different than what would be considered a designer baby. As far as we know, the mitochondr­ia doesn’t encode for any genes related to intelligen­ce or outward appearance,” she tells me. “However, people worry that it’s just a slippery slope and if we allow mitochondr­ial replacemen­t then will we allow replacemen­t of other genes.”

If the Assisted Human Reproducti­on Act is updated to allow MRT, the next big question is who will have access to it? “We’re not at a point where it should be offered to any couple,” says Hume. “I think when there’s a documented disorder, that we’ll allow therapeuti­c interventi­on in limited instances and it’ll be carefully regulated.”

“Sex selection situations are going to be dealt with in a very different way,” says Levitan. With so many questions lingering about long-term medical effects and ethical concerns, she says it’s much harder to justify the risk for lesbian couples than for parents facing “catastroph­ic diseases.”

Ideally, the federal government would act sooner rather than later. Stalling on the issue could have unintended consequenc­es. Desperate couples are likely to seek treatment in less-regulated environmen­ts, such as the couple who gave birth in Mexico. “We see this across the world with abortions. Where they’re restricted, people go off into other countries or to unlicensed clinics,” says Hume. “With a publicly funded healthcare system, these people still come back into that system, then we have to take care of those people.”

Biotechnol­ogy is advancing at a rapid pace and isn’t disappeari­ng anytime soon. It seems infinitely more preferable to regulate its use early on rather than allow some sort of genetic engineerin­g black market to fester. According to Hume, “if we don’t license it and there is a demand for it, couples will find a way to have it done.”

Now that sounds like the start of a dystopian sci-fi story.


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