National Post (National Edition)

What is the best seat on a subway?


Is there such a thing as the right subway seat? Absolutely yes, according to Twitter users who responded en masse to @gplatinum_’s question: “All my New Yorkers, which is the best seat?”

The tweet in question included


Seat 1 In a perfect world, we’d all be sitting as individual­s, with no threats to our personal bubbles and no danger of sitting next to a man spreader. This seat, as it happens, is the closest one to that utopia, with room to breathe and a quick exit out the door on one side. Call it limited claustroph­obia. One of the major cons to this seat, however, as pointed out by Twitter user @foreverupt­wn, is the “snatch and run.” A style of thievery more common to New York, it involves a commuter running up to the individual sitting in No. 1, snatching the phone or snack from their hands just as the doors slide open and then sprinting to freedom. So, I don’t know, maybe keep your phone in your pocket? Either way, if this isn’t your preferred seat, you’re simply not a commuter. a photo of the typical five-seat setup: 1: the first seat at the end of a three-seat row by the door, 2: the middle seat in that row, 3: the third seat in that row, 4: the window seat, 5: the seat next to the window seat.

Toronto subways follow the same layout, so I can say


Seat 4 Here, like Seat 1, while you might be stuck with a partner on one side, you can at least turn to your other side and gaze out into the blackness of the subway tunnel or an outdoor view between stations. More importantl­y, this is the ideal seat on long commutes when you won’t have to push your way out. It’s a cozy corner, feels oddly safe (unless Seat 5 and Seat 3 get into a scuffle) and makes for great, subtle people-watching. If you’re tall, though, forget it, unless you’re in the mood for bruised knees and some muscle strain. And if it’s packed, good luck getting out at your stop.


Seat 3 An unfortunat­e, rather desperate choice, this seat likely means you’ve got two passengers’ legs wedged into one side. If they’re tall, your thigh might even find itself casually resting on their knees. If they’re monsters ,they might have their legs crossed, with a shoe grazing your leg. Maybe you can feel their eyes perpetuall­y on you ,or maybe they’re a couple whispering sweet nothings to each other.To make matters more uncomforta­ble, you’ll also have a passenger on your other side. Sounds suffocatin­g, right? But hey, if you’ve got a heavy bag or have been on your feet all day, what does it matter? with confidence that, absolutely yes, there is such a thing as the right seats and the wrong seats because the city is a jungle — and so is the subway.

Go in with this guide and you’ll have no problem so long as you’re fast on your feet.


Seat 5 From here on out, the situation becomes dire. With Seat 5, you’ll likely have a passenger to your one side who will eventually demand you maneuver your body to allow them to exit before you, and you’ll also probably have someone standing next to your other side. But, there is always the off chance you’re commuting on a Sunday afternoon, in which case, you might be able to spread all around the seat to your heart’s content without disrupting a soul.


Seat 2 This is worse. If this is your seat of choice, you’re playing with fire. It’s a return to childhood and getting stuck in the middle seat. You’re wedged between two miserable commuters, possibly with more standing in front of you and leaning over you. Why even bother sitting at this point? A standing commute is good for you! Or just walk home. Maybe even Uber. Anything is better.


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