National Post (National Edition)

About Biden and Bloomberg


Re: Why Bloomberg deserved to lose, Rex Murphy, March 7 Rex Murphy’s declaring Michael Bloomberg’s failed campaign a threat to American democracy is so pre2016. Murphy would be right, if it hadn’t been for the fact that a self-promoting reality TV host, with no political experience, did become president in 2016. And, as Murphy himself says, at least Bloomberg had extensive experience running one of the world’s largest and most important cities.

Robert Vogel, Toronto

Twice Rex Murphy mentioned that Mike Bloomberg tried to “buy” the election. To be a buyer there has to be a seller. Who was selling the election to Bloomberg?

Perhaps he missed Bloomberg’s commitment that if he was not chosen he would help the Democratic nominee with funds, structure, staff and offices to do all he can to beat Donald Trump. Sounds pretty good to me.

Aaron Milrad, Toronto

Re: Why Biden is the Democrats’ best hope, Rahm Emanuel (Munk Debates), March 12

Rahm Emanuel says Joe Biden is the best bet to beat Donald Trump. This coming from a failed mayor of Chicago who under his watch had violent crime soar. Biden is known for his gaffes but they are not funny anymore, and during rallies and campaign stops he has been very rude to people. The man also forgets which state he is in.

“Sleepy Joe,” as Trump calls him, would be easily defeated by the Commander-in-Chief. Bernie Sanders however, is another story.

Stephen Flanagan, Ottawa

Re: Revitalize­d Biden back on path to party’s nod, March 5

As nice a “moderate” Joe Biden sounds, it still translates into an establishm­ent Democrat with thinly veiled ties to corporate interests who’s not going to adequately improve the poor person’s lot in life.

Thus I find it arrogant to anticipate that low-income citizens will vote for any “moderate” candidate in order to satisfy financiall­y well-to-do or comfortabl­y middle-class Democrats’ intense desire (which I happen to share) to have an undesirabl­e incumbent president voted out. Frank Sterle Jr., White Rock, B.C.

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