National Post (National Edition)

Life amid Ontario’s shutdown

Trying to cope when it’s ‘beyond my control’

- RICHARD WARNICA National Post­nica

On Monday evening, at just about supper time, a car pulled up outside Sojourn House, Toronto’s largest dedicated shelter for refugees. A man carrying a plastic bottle stepped from the driver’s seat. He ran inside, past the sliding doors, toward a large container of hand sanitizer on a stand. As the bewildered staff looked on, the man started pumping and pumping. He pumped at breakneck speed — gush, gush — until his bottle was full. Then he sprinted out again, got back in his car and drove away.

On Tuesday morning, Premier Doug Ford declared a state of emergency in Ontario, the latest in an escalating series of efforts to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. Ford ordered a host of businesses where people congregate — bars, restaurant­s, night clubs, private daycares, even churches — to close immediatel­y. He also promised $300 million in immediate aid for workers and the economy. “This is a decision that was not taken lightly,” he said.

Like every new burst of news this week, Tuesday’s announceme­nt came off as both impossible and inevitable. It put hundreds of small businesses at risk, meant thousands of likely layoffs, threw parents counting on child care into chaos. And yet, if anything, it seemed like it might not go far enough. Such is the unpreceden­ted risk of COVID-19.

Without mass social distancing and self-isolation, the pandemic will likely overrun the Ontario healthcare system. Thousands will die needless deaths. Doctors and nurses will be exposed to constant risk. The economy will suffer a generation­al blow. And so, on Tuesday, Ontarians did what they had to do: They settled deeper into the upside-down world of pandemic life.

Online, shut-away parents traded tips for working at home around children teetering between giddy and bored. In the real world, restaurant and retail workers faced up to the possibilit­y of long stretches without work. Everywhere, everyone grasped for something solid.

Last week, Krissy Meyers had two jobs, plus a work placement and a full load of courses at Centennial College. As of Tuesday, all of that was gone.

Meyers lost her first job, working concession at Scotiabank Place, last Thursday, after the NBA and NHL shut down. At the same time, she lost her work placement doing post-production for OHL games on Rogers TV. And late last week, her college moved all courses online.

If that wasn’t enough, on Monday, Meyers’ mother, who is immunocomp­romised and was feeling ill, was sent home indefinite­ly from her job at a Toyota dealership. With her mom at home, in isolation, Meyers felt she had no choice. She couldn’t keep going to her second job, at an indy clothing store, without putting her mother at further risk. So instead she agreed to a voluntary layoff and a long stretch at home.

Despite all of that, Meyers was feeling, well, kind of OK Tuesday. “I’m someone that suffers from mental illness.

I get anxiety,” she said. “But this is one of those sort of weird situations where it hasn’t really been exacerbate­d for me because it’s just so beyond my control.”

That’s the strangest thing about pandemic life in the early days: The only thing, the best thing, most of us can do is nothing. If enough of us stay home, stay away from others, and stay rigorously clean, we might succeed in flattening the epidemic curve. If we don’t, we won’t.

Of course, not everyone has the option of staying home. Debbie Corrigan-Hill, the executive director of Sojourn House, hasn’t been able to let any of her staff work remotely. You can’t do refugee intake, supervisio­n and support from a distance. Not in any kind of real way. “All the staff are here,” Corrigan-Hill said. “Even though we’re not an essential service, we are.”

For those, like Corrigan-Hill still out in the world, life is the same but different. The clients are all adjusting. The staff are doing everything they can. But still, the difference­s are there. There’s an overlay of fear. And there’s a real chance, at any time, that someone might make off with a stolen bottle of sanitizing spray.



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