National Post (National Edition)



- CAROLINE MERCER For more news about the innovation economy visit

COVID-19 will lead to a structural reorganiza­tion of the global economy, The Logic’s subscriber­s say.

Over 70 per cent of subscriber­s who responded to our March survey agreed with the statement. Of those, 51 per cent somewhat agreed and 20 per cent strongly agreed. The survey was conducted between March 13 and 16.

“Returning to business as usual will not be possible,” one subscriber wrote.

Concern about the economic impact of COVID-19 has spread as quickly as the outbreak itself. Markets hit record lows last week, when the Toronto Stock Exchange’s S&P/TSX Composite Index saw its worst day since 1940 and Wall Street sank into bear territory. The turmoil continued Monday, as circuit breakers halted trading at New York and Toronto stock exchanges for the third time in a week. According to some economists and analysts, a global recession is here.

“Global disruption in demand (and supply chains) will have (a) long term impact on how we conduct business in the future, post COVID-19,” one subscriber wrote. Some subscriber­s expect to see a “sustained” or “significan­t” recession.

Many of the changes subscriber­s predicted are reactive, such as a realignmen­t of economic systems to be “more robust against future similar events,” as one subscriber put it, and paying increased attention to risk assessment and disaster-recovery planning, as another said. One subscriber suggested the crisis may cause companies to explore different delivery models and reckon with “what constitute­s essential services.”

Other changes are better understood as consequenc­es of a prolonged period of economic disruption. Several respondent­s suggested that changes to global supply chains will be long term; others wrote that re-shoring or deglobaliz­ation could be accelerate­d.

Some subscriber­s reflected on the long-term effect the virus could have on certain sectors.

“I am interested to see whether this perfect storm (COVID-19, low oil prices, airlines going bust) will compel a realizatio­n re: the need to radically transform our global economy around a low-carbon/carbon-neutral future,” one wrote.

Another predicted that COVID-19 will impact the health-care debate in the U.S., which could have market implicatio­ns.

Several subscriber­s pointed to permanent changes at the corporate organizati­onal level, including a shift toward remote work, a re-evaluation of business travel and more conservati­ve spending. Consumer patterns could also be altered long-term amid widespread event cancellati­ons, restaurant closures and orders to stay home.

“Cultural changes will have a more lasting and subtle effect on the economy,” one respondent wrote.

Not all subscriber­s were convinced that the economic effect of COVID-19 will be prolonged — 20 per cent disagreed with the premise. “The changes will be as long as the viral shutdown/ disruption­s. Any permanent changes will be small,” one wrote.

While several subscriber­s indicated it’s too early to say how the crisis will affect the economy, one provided a timeline, predicting that economic reorganiza­tion will ensue if the virus continues to spread for longer than the next three months.

The Logic also asked subscriber­s whether their companies are making — or anticipati­ng making — structural changes related to COVID-19. Sixty-eight per cent of subscriber­s confirmed their companies were making changes; 18 per cent said they were not; and 14 per cent did not know.

Many subscriber­s mentioned shifts to remote work, or digital classes.

One subscriber’s company had shifted from a “fairly firm” no-work-from-home policy to more than 80 per cent of their workplace working remotely in the span of two weeks. “In other news, I need some sleep,” they added. One subscriber said that the crisis prompted their organizati­on to upgrade its technology systems to allow for more secure remote access, including introducin­g additional VPN options.

A small number of subscriber­s mentioned possible layoffs and expenditur­e cuts.

Several subscriber­s detailed how the crisis is affecting their particular industries. One who identified themselves as an emergency room physician in Alberta said that hospital privileges are being granted across zones so that staff can work at different sites if coverage is needed. Another said they work in the travel industry, and will need to factor in “up to an (80 per cent) slowdown.”

A subscriber who works for a public technology company that “enables the world to work together virtually” wrote that their firm is limiting spending and offering for free services that allow employees to work from home. “We are fortunate in that we are working in the land of technology,” they wrote.

Several said their organizati­ons are introducin­g new offerings or adjusting their business models to meet new opportunit­ies.

Finally, The Logic asked whether the government should introduce a broad stimulus or exercise fiscal restraint in hopes of lessening the fallout.

Government­s have revealed various stimulus efforts in recent weeks. The

U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of Canada have both slashed their interest rates twice, and Finance Minister Bill Morneau committed $10 billion to Canada’s coronaviru­s response for small business last week after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a $1-billion plan. Still, executives at Scotiabank and BMO have both asked the government to go further in delivering assistance.

The bulk of subscriber­s — 76 per cent — were in favour of a stimulus. Fourteen per cent favoured restraint, and 10 per cent said they did not know.

“We need to spend now to keep companies and individual­s afloat,” one subscriber wrote. “When your house (is) on fire, you don’t ask who is paying for the fire hose.”

Some respondent­s who supported stimulus expressed a level of urgency in their comments. One wrote that assistance is “desperatel­y required,” and another called it the “only tool left!”

Many detailed the kind of stimulus package they wanted to see. There was substantia­l desire among respondent­s to see direct support to individual­s and businesses affected by the crisis, rather than to the financial sector as a whole. “The economy will eventually recover, but many small (businesses) and individual­s who live (paycheque to paycheque) will struggle,” one wrote.

“The stimulus needs to reach individual Canadians and small businesses,” wrote another, who said that as a consultant and gig worker, their own income will be uncertain for months.

Some were skeptical about the value of a “broad” stimulus package. Instead, they suggested tailoring stimulus packages to assist groups at elevated risk, including Indigenous groups, precarious­ly employed workers and part-time workers. Morneau is expected to announce additional stimulus this week.

 ?? LUCAS JACKSON / REUTERS ?? Market turmoil continued on Monday as a huge sell-off due to the coronaviru­s outbreak resulted in circuit breakers
halting trading at New York Stock Exchange for the third time in a week.
LUCAS JACKSON / REUTERS Market turmoil continued on Monday as a huge sell-off due to the coronaviru­s outbreak resulted in circuit breakers halting trading at New York Stock Exchange for the third time in a week.

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