National Post (National Edition)

Hinshaw getting top marks in Alberta


EDMONTON • A clear and consistent communicat­ions strategy is key to managing any crisis, and across the country, provinces and the federal government have been approachin­g the COVID-19 outbreak with varying levels of success.

This week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has been giving daily briefings to Canadians, has faced considerab­le pressure to release projection­s on the expected scope of the outbreak; Ontario’s Doug Ford, on Thursday, announced his government would hold a briefing on COVID-19 modelling on Friday for journalist­s. Premier Scott Moe in Saskatchew­an followed suit. Earlier in the week, the Alberta government confirmed that it, too, would be releasing projection­s.

“I don’t know if there’s any one blueprint for success in this case,” said Macewan University journalism and communicat­ions professor Neill Fitzpatric­k.

But, he said, “any provincial government­s — Alberta or otherwise — that even gives the appearance of holding back informatio­n is doing it at its own peril.”

There is, in Alberta, a widespread perception that Dr. Deena Hinshaw, the province’s chief medical officer of health, is doing an excellent job. She’s received plaudits for her calm and comprehens­ible assessment­s of the pandemic in the province, speaking to Albertans most days, often joined by Premier Jason Kenney and an assortment of other ministers.

“She just has put this kind of face on it,” said Thomas Barker, a communicat­ions professor at the University of Alberta.

He said Hinshaw — and the Alberta government — is doing an excellent job of conveying the necessary expert opinion on the pandemic, with the assessment­s of risk, but also the social or human side of things.

“In this pandemic, the experts are winning. The experts are maintainin­g their dominance as the place to go to get sound advice on which to base key decisions, such as whether to implement, let’s say, social distancing on a personal level,” said Barker.

Shauna MacDonald, the founder of Brookline Public Relations in Calgary, said the Alberta government has put in place extensive crisis communicat­ions strategies. Having a number of people involved in the briefings provides a sense that there is a lot of expertise at work.

“We have a really good tag-team approach in the province,” MacDonald said. “It’s open, it’s honest, very measured.”

In terms of projection­s, British Columbia released its COVID-19 estimates last week. Ontario releases extensive daily epidemiolo­gical data about cases, ages, hospitaliz­ations and other informatio­n. Alberta’s approach is slightly different, although the province has said its projection data is coming.

There are 968 cases of COVID-19 in Alberta, 67 hospital admissions from the infection and 13 deaths.

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