National Post (National Edition)


NICARAGUA Country’s officials refuse to confront virus


MANAGUA, NICARAGUA • In the photo, a bunch of kids in swimsuits are sitting around a table at the beach. They’re drinking Cokes, waving, grinning.

“We have a unique country … and it’s best to enjoy it with your family!” wrote Juan Carlos Ortega, the son of Nicaragua’s president, in a tweet with the image of his children posted last weekend.

As much of Latin America shuts down in the face of coronaviru­s, Nicaragua is striking out as a radical outlier. Rather than discouragi­ng crowds, the Sandinista government is trying to manufactur­e them. It’s promoting festivitie­s such as an event to distribute a sugary fruit treat — “the biggest almibar handout in Nicaragua.” Authoritie­s haven’t closed borders, businesses or stadiums.

But what perhaps most sets the Central American nation apart is its president. Daniel Ortega doesn’t seem to be leading the charge against coronaviru­s. In fact, he hasn’t appeared in public for a month. The government says he’s still in control. But Nicaraguan­s are nervously wondering if the former Marxist guerrilla is ill, dead, or simply avoiding human contact.

Health and human-rights bodies in the hemisphere, meanwhile, are becoming increasing­ly alarmed at the government’s laissez-faire approach to the deadly virus.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has called on Nicaragua “to recognize the extreme gravity of the situation, and immediatel­y adopt steps to address and contain the pandemic.” Carissa Etienne, director of the Pan-American Health Organizati­on, told reporters “we have concerns about the testing, contact tracing, about the reporting of cases” in Nicaragua, as well as “inadequate infection prevention and control.”

Nicaragua’s neighbours fear they could be hurt by spillover effects. “We’re worried about their approach, because the recommenda­tions of the (World Health Organizati­on) are for social distancing,” said Costa Rica’s president, Carlos Alvarado.

“Calling for marches and crowds of people goes against these recommenda­tions,” he told CNN en Español.

Ortega, 74, is one of Latin America’s best-known politician­s, the leader of the Sandinista revolution that toppled a right-wing dictator in 1979. He returned to the presidency in 2007 and has won re-election twice since then. His government has turned sharply authoritar­ian in recent years.

In Ortega’s absence, Vice President Rosario Murillo — also his wife — has been giving daily phone interviews to official media. Nicaragua has reported only eight cases of COVID-19 and one fatality. Officials say all the infections were acquired abroad.

“We don’t have community transmissi­on, thanks be to God infinitely,” Murillo said on Thursday.

Costa Rica, Nicaragua’s less populous neighbour, has confirmed more than 500 cases of COVID-19. The Cuban government has said that three of its citizens who recently visited Nicaragua have tested positive for the virus.

Josefina Bonilla, a doctor and public health expert in Managua, the capital, said Nicaragua’s low number of cases reflected a lack of testing.

The government hasn’t revealed how many people have undergone the exams, and private hospitals have been barred from conducting them.

“If you only do a few tests, you’ll only have a few positive results,” Bonilla said.

She said Nicaragua enjoyed some advantages in confrontin­g the health crisis. The country of 6 million is less densely populated than others in the region. Only a small percentage of citizens are elderly — the group that’s typically suffered the most fatalities. But it’s also the second poorest country in the hemisphere, after Haiti. If the virus spreads unchecked, Bonilla said, it could face a “catastroph­ic scenario.”

And that’s why the large gatherings of recent weeks are causing so much alarm.

Authoritie­s have organized pro-government rallies, including one in mid-March dubbed “Love in the Time of COVID-19” to show “solidarity” with victims worldwide.

Even as other Central American countries shut down airports, schools and sporting events, Nicaragua has stayed open for business. Its soccer league has continued to hold matches, with some anxious players wearing masks. Public schools remained open until April 3, the start of an extended Easter break.

 ?? MAYNOR VALENZUELA / AFP / GETTY IMAGES ?? Daniel Ortega, the Sandinista president of Nicaragua,
has not made a public appearance in a month.
MAYNOR VALENZUELA / AFP / GETTY IMAGES Daniel Ortega, the Sandinista president of Nicaragua, has not made a public appearance in a month.

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