National Post (National Edition)

Living in a Twilight Zone


“The barrier of loneliness: the palpable, desperate need of the human animal to be with his fellow man. Up there ... is an enemy known as isolation.”

So goes creator and host Rod Serling’s closing narration from the debut 1959 episode of The Twilight Zone, aptly titled Where Is Everybody?, in which a man loses his grip when there is no human companions­hip to be found anywhere.

Six decades later, The Twilight Zone’s themes on the human condition ring eternal.

❚ Time Enough at Last

One person’s mass-casualty event is another person’s opportunit­y to finally get a little reading done. Burgess Meredith plays the clerk who hides in his bank’s vault to read, thus surviving a nuclear attack. He is left gloriously alone — just himself and stacks of books to happily devour. The twist, of course, is to watch his step — isolation isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

❚ The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street

Do humans help or harm each other in times of crisis? Serling’s Maple Street is first presented as a benign slice of modern society, but suspicion of an alien among these neighbours sparks fearful finger-pointing and conflicts escalate. When panic sets in, the monsters, of course, can be ourselves. “There are weapons,” Serling says in voice-over, “that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices.”

❚ The Lonely

How close do we grow to our devices in times of isolation? Imagine, if you will, a convict played by Jack Warden serving his solitary confinemen­t truly alone on an asteroid. Once his penalty appears to be a life sentence, the prisoner is given a “female” robot that he develops feelings for. An interventi­on is required to remind him he has come to love a companion made of nuts and bolts. Sometimes, it seems, the illusory warmth of our machines must be destroyed.

❚ The Mind and the Matter

Jean-Paul Sartre said “hell is other people,” and the office worker (Shelley Berman) in this episode would agree. He can’t stand all the crowding, whether it’s along the subway commute or in the lunchtime cafeteria. Yet when he lives his dream to eliminate all people, the loneliness makes for an awfully empty life.

❚ The Shelter

What will cause even the best of friends and spouses to turn on each other? In this story, dear old pals gather for a party, but a UFO sighting and talk of a possible nuclear attack drive a wedge between the cosy neighbours. A doctor, for so long a healer, must weigh the prospect of loved ones perishing outside his bomb shelter. What is harder when self-preservati­on is at stake: a reinforced shelter door or the human heart?

❚ Where Is Everybody?

What if everywhere you turned — to movies, to the kitchen, to the streets outside — you could not find another person? A man in an air force flight suit (Earl Holliman) seems to be living that “existence.” Serling surely knew that mental duress could be the toughest test.

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