National Post (National Edition)

Call an inquiry. Now


Premier Doug Ford must call a public inquiry into the state of Ontario’s long-term care homes. That wasn’t true even a week ago, when Ford announced an independen­t commission, but not a public inquiry (a defensible position, I argued in a column at the time). But the details in Tuesday’s report into the horrific conditions at five nursing homes in the Toronto area are so spectacula­rly awful that the premier has no choice. He’s going to get pushed into an inquiry eventually. Delaying it will only compound the damage. He should announce one at once. Today. Right now.

It’s hard to find the words to describe how bad the report is. Military personnel, called in to provide extra manpower at LTC homes that have been reeling under the impact of the pandemic, filed urgent reports back up the chain of command to Ottawa, describing conditions beyond what they expected. They knew it was going to be bad. So did the public. You don’t call in the army to take care of vulnerable seniors if things are going well.

COVID-19’s particular lethality among seniors and the immunocomp­romised, combined with long-unaddresse­d understaff­ing issues in Ontario’s LTC homes, were a recipe for disaster.

But what the troops saw went beyond even how bad one might expect things to be when calling in the army to aid people being ravaged by a deadly plague. As terrible as that was going to be, what they found was worse.

The troops found expired medication­s still being used. They saw obvious failures in basic infection control in these facilities, even as the pandemic spread. The conditions went beyond neglect or the terrible but foreseeabl­e consequenc­es of an institutio­n that breaks under the pressure of a global catastroph­e. What they saw, they told their superiors, was abuse of the elderly. Senior management at the homes was unavailabl­e. Residents languished in soiled diapers for hours. Calls for help were ignored. Soldiers observed insect infestatio­ns, rough physical handling and “degrading and inappropri­ate comments” directed at residents by staff members.

It is the stuff of nightmares, and it was happening right in our midst. Mercedes Stephenson, Global News’s excellent Ottawa bureau chief and one of the best reporters on the military beat in Canada, tweeted that her sources have told her that the scenes in the LTC homes were so appalling that troops are concerned that the personnel exposed to them might be at risk of PTSD.

Again, the fact that Ontario’s LTC system was overcrowde­d and underfunde­d, with massive wait-lists for beds (a major contributo­r to overcrowdi­ng in hospitals) was well known. But it wasn’t until the military went in that reports were made about just how bad things were. Premier Ford, pressed on this point on Tuesday, said that home inspection­s — which his government had cut back in its first year in office, a decision he’ll undoubtedl­y come to regret — can only go so far. The 24/7 presence of troops in the homes allowed for insights that inspectors can’t glean during a site visit.

This is, simply put, a disaster. It’s a disaster in the truest sense — people have suffered and died because of this broken system, and that was no doubt the case even before the pandemic. And it’s a disaster for Ford, who has received generally high marks, even from critics, for his performanc­e thus far (though that’s been waning of late as Ontario reopens, even as cases climb). Whatever goodwill Ford had accumulate­d could easily evaporate if this appalling report comes to define Ontario’s experience during the pandemic.

Ford’s response to the report on Tuesday was mostly good. He had the military’s report released to the public at once — a refreshing moment of transparen­cy in a country where those are few and far between. He said he was ordering immediate, thorough inspection­s of all care homes, stating that he doubted


the problems observed by the military were confined to the five where military aid was first needed. He insisted that, despite having inherited a broken system, he was responsibl­e for this situation in the here and now, and intended to fix it.

“My job is to fix a broken system that has been broken for decades,” Ford said, which sounds like a dodge, but is objectivel­y true, as far as it goes. “I’m going to move heaven and earth that we leave no stone unturned.”

Strong words. Probably sincere, too. But words won’t do. Yes, order the inspection­s. Call in more help, including from the military, if needed. Put care homes under the direct control of hospitals, if warranted. Do everything that can be done.

But also accept the inevitable. As recently as a week ago, Ford could probably have gotten away without a full public inquiry into this disaster — a properly constitute­d independen­t commission would have sufficed. But not now. Call the inquiry, Premier Ford. Do it now.

 ?? CARLOS OSORIO / REUTERS ?? Diane Colangelo, who lost her mother Patricia Crump to COVID-19 on May 6, is comforted by her husband John Colangelo on Tuesday
at Orchard Villa Retirement Residence in Pickering Ont., where several other residents died of the coronaviru­s.
CARLOS OSORIO / REUTERS Diane Colangelo, who lost her mother Patricia Crump to COVID-19 on May 6, is comforted by her husband John Colangelo on Tuesday at Orchard Villa Retirement Residence in Pickering Ont., where several other residents died of the coronaviru­s.
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