National Post (National Edition)



WA SHI NG T ON • After waging war on Canadian dairy, steel and aluminum, Donald Trump's White House appears to be setting its sights on new foreign trade invaders: blueberrie­s and raspberrie­s.

U.S. Trade Representa­tive Robert Lighthizer served notice last week that the Trump administra­tion fears domestic producers are being unfairly harmed by what they call a recent increase in berry imports from Canada and Mexico.

Lighthizer asked the U.S. Internatio­nal Trade Commission to investigat­e whether domestic farmers, who are feeling the pinch from the COVID-19 pandemic, are being hurt by an increase in foreign competitio­n.

“President Trump recognizes the challenges faced by farmers across the country,” Lighthizer said in a recent statement.

Ordering a USITC investigat­ion, which Lighthizer also did on raspberry imports earlier this year, “is just one of a number of steps the administra­tion is taking to support American producers of seasonal and perishable agricultur­al products.”

Blueberry imports from Mexico appear to be the primary concern. But Canadian producers know all too well that they stand to be sideswiped.

The B.C. Blueberry Council was obliged to retain legal counsel as a result of the USITC investigat­ion, said executive director Anju Gill, who nonetheles­s is holding out hope that common sense will prevail.

Canada is the world's single largest importer of fresh American blueberrie­s by a wide margin, said Gill, but remains far from the single largest supplier to the U.S., well back of Chile and Mexico.

Even so, 98 per cent of Canada's exports go to the United States.

“It's been a very close working relationsh­ip between the U.S. and Canada,” she said.

“In that sense, we would like to continue with that type of working relationsh­ip and trade. But we'll see what happens with this.”

Members of Congress from Maine, home to the bulk of the country's wild-blueberry industry, went to bat last month for their Canadian counterpar­ts to pre-empt a fresh batch of U.S. tariffs.

Maine's blueberry processing industry depends on bulk imports from Canada, the group wrote in a Sept. 17 letter to Lighthizer.

“We urge you to consider the importance of Canadian wild blueberry imports to the viability of Maine's blueberry industry,” reads the letter.

Processors use excess capacity in their systems to turn those perishable berries into frozen products ready for distributi­on and sale, the members write.

“These bulk imports do not harm Maine's domestic growers of wild blueberrie­s, but rather these operations allow many of Maine's blueberry businesses to survive.”

Maine produces an average of more than 83 million pounds (about 38 million kilograms) of wild blueberrie­s each year, an industry that the lawmakers say contribute­s US$250 million annually to the state in direct and indirect economic activity.

The fresh concerns about Canadian exports to the U.S. extend beyond the berry farm.

During hearings earlier this summer into the foreign perils faced by U.S. producers of seasonal and perishable goods, the USTR got an earful about what at least one witness described as the dumping of Canadian produce.

“New York Farm Bureau members have concerns regarding unfair trade practices by Canada regarding the sale of fruits and vegetables into the U.S.,” the group's president David Fisher testified. Fisher, a dairy farmer, likened the complaints to those long voiced by U.S. milk producers who struggled to compete with counterpar­ts in Canada's supply-managed dairy industry.

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