National Post (National Edition)

Reasons for optimism

- Izzie Steckler, Montreal

Re: Front page photo of stained glass window in the Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul in Montreal, and editorial, Seeking God's love on a lonely Christmas, Dec. 24

In the atmosphere of papered-over shop windows, boarded-up stores and empty restaurant­s where once there was a noisy vibe, the Post came through with a cover that brought a broad smile to my face and an editorial that brought comfort indeed, reminding us that we are never alone. Thank you and Merry Christmas indeed!

Margie Baker, Toronto

Re: Hope: Reasons for optimism, Dec. 26

Saturday's op-ed articles highlighti­ng hope and optimism struck a chord with me. A quote from Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, of blessed memory, aptly highlights the correlatio­n between these two important traits. “Optimism is the belief that things will get better. Hope is the faith that, together, we can make things better.”

During these times of uncertaint­y and confusion, may the lights of the holiday season inspire and strengthen us for the challenges of the year to come.

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