National Post (National Edition)


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Of course

5. Like an introvert

8. Culminatio­n

12. System of weights used for precious metals and gems

13. Side curvature of a boat

15. Increase rapidly

16. Desirous look

17. Bog

18. Satisfy fully

19. Fairly wealthy

21. Early life

23. Sailor’s greeting

24. Move gently

25. Positive feature

27. In good shape

31. Rind lining of citrus fruits

32. Women of a Muslim household

34. Threatenin­g disaster

35. Canada’s neighbour: abbr.

36. Metal-bearing mineral

37. Very small amount

38. Small in girth

40. Drum set in a jazz band

42. In the wee small hours

43. Quiet peace

45. Aspect of 120 degrees between two planets

47. Buddhist monk

48. Black water bird

49. Woodworkin­g tool

51. Nonsensica­l fuss

55. Ardour

56. Go away

58. Talk wildly

59. Floating mass of ice

60. Saudi Arabia’s neighbour

61. District

62. Make a cake

63. Become rented

64. Do banking work


1. Put away

2. Very strong desire

3. Gain momentum

4. Cilium

5. Out of the sun

6. Male protagonis­t

7. Certainly!

8. Self-confident

9. Warm outer garment

10. School subject

11. Before

13. Not rough

14. The beat of music

20. Commonest word in English

22. It’s used for cooking

24. Very expensive

25. Passageway in a supermarke­t

26. Single step

27. Proper order

28. Moon of Saturn

29. Incensed

30. Surrender

31. Another word for cat

33. Main blood vessel

39. A varied mixture

40. Opportune

41. Obtained dishonestl­y

42. Word for word

44. One of the Bobbsey Twins

46. Fishing pole

48. Break a commandmen­t

49. Not guilty, for one

50. Small singing bird

51. Starlet’s goal

52. Steak order

53. Part of a range

54. It’s symbol is Pb

55. Recede

57. Long fish

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