National Post (National Edition)



A misdemeano­ur charge was dropped Tuesday against a white New York City woman who became an internet sensation last spring when she falsely claimed a Black man threatened her in Manhattan's Central Park, her lawyer said.

Amy Cooper was arraigned on a charge of falsely reporting an incident in the third degree, a misdemeano­ur punishable by up to one year in jail. Prosecutor­s said she also falsely accused the man of trying to assault her.

After “a thorough & honest inquiry,” the charge was dismissed, attorney Robert Barnes said on Twitter.

“Others rushed to the wrong conclusion based on inadequate investigat­ion & they may yet face legal consequenc­es,” Barnes added.

The now famous incident erupted when Cooper took her dog to New York's Central Park last May, and a birdwatche­r, Christian Cooper (no relation) asked her to follow park rules and put the dog on a leash.

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